General Discussion

General DiscussionPA Needs Aquilla Or Not?

PA Needs Aquilla Or Not? in General Discussion

    I always build it no matter the condition. But does she really need it if im going bfury deso build?

    flourishing new leaf

      Hmm, depends on how fast you farm


        Ask yourself two questions:
        1. Why do I need this item for?
        2. How do I benefit from it in comparison to other items of the same value?

        For the first question, the answer is: If the enemy that I'll be matched up against in the lane is a heavy right clicker(can deal considerable right click dmg/physical dmg e.g. bristle), then aquilla is a really good item. It gives you the ability to lane and farm creeps.
        Don't forget to toggle it when you're, for instance, not willing to push the lane.

        Aquilla costs 965 gold. If you're going to buy a battlefury, you can get a ring of health and save 115 GOLD or you can buy wand and brown boots. IMO, aquilla is good vs certain lineups and if you're willing to take early fights in <10 min mark range. It's like the cheap version of drums.

        Potato Marshal

          Helps take early towers, and allows you to spam more daggers before you've maxed it out and the mana cost for dagger is still higher. Not sure why going bfury and deso would make you want to skip aquila though.


            ^Yasha n then BF?

            Player 345996680

              If you are good at creep equilibrium, youcan kill offlaner like 2 tomes and push his tower at like 6-8min (i think, any agi hero counts, i was doing this on offlane nyx) if you have ring of aquila (you need to properly toggle it).

              So, if youre a good player :d


                With Phase Aquila and Level 6 you're have actually decent kill potential against many heroes, can be worth it (especially in 1v1).


                  You buy aquila as any safelane carry when u need armor and want to push their t1 tower as soon as possible


                    I have just tried it in my last ranked games that i didnt buy aquilla and it sucks a lot lol


                      buying early yasha on pa is like hanging a sign around ur head that says "flame me"

                      mantas fine against tree or specific matchup with 1 target carry, but if yasha ur go to in the early game ur pissing away ur power spike


                        yasha isnt game losing, its just kinda odd
                        only buy it if u need manta i guess


                          makes u stronger in lane and u can use ur spells a lot more to farm


                            Buy aquila on every hero, honestly this item is OP.

                            босс верхнего этажа

                              Nowadays aquila is super good even on int based heroes, so yeah, definitely worth it.


                                Invoker buy Aquila too nowadays


                                  I would say go for aquila+phase, when you cant farm BF really early (like 3 kills in 5 minutes). Or if you plan only to trilane safelane and only afk last hit creeps.

                                  Just did a quick test with LVL 6 PA:
                                  Only Phase - 90 - 95 DPS
                                  Phase + Aquila - 120 DPS
                                  Phase + Aquila + Blight stone - 140DPS.

                                  Not calculating spells into it. But it just gives you 40% increase in damage, if you invest those 1200. That is actually huge - you are more dangerous to enemy, you can farm faster, you can take tower faster, you receive less damage (more armor), a bit of AS, so you can actually farm big camp, as well mana regen is helpful.

                                  I would say going phase - BF is like going radiance first item spectre only with boots (prefferably brown ones). When you have those 3 items (phase, aquila, blight), you can actually TP somewhere lvl 6 and just claim a kill. Without those, you are just a big creep.

                                  As well if you check guides, you see only few instances of skipping aquila - I found 2-3 and those replaced it with wand.
