General Discussion

General DiscussionLosing all my games

Losing all my games in General Discussion
Dark Hunter

    So since the latest patch i've lost like 500 mmr dropping from a sad 2.3k to an even more sad 1.8k

    Whatever I try i just seem to end up losing. Even if we are winning, and i make one mistake whole game is over (check last enigma game)
    I usually play offlane or support however lately thats not been working. Am i playing the wrong heroes?

    I can't figure this patch out. And i dont want to be that sad zeus spammer either.
    Any suggestions?

    Pepper & Salt

      enigma is a good hero, but not great due to blackhole's long cooldown.
      And while blackhole is on cooldown, enigma is as good as useless prick since he does not have any other worth mentioning team fight capability. Not to mention solo kill potential.

      Yeah, enigma MAY pressure the lane with the spawn or just gifting more gold to the opponent.

      End of the day, I find that enigma pick is very situational.
      Pick more reliable hero to play and you should find yourself doing better.


        GIT GUD


          pick a hero in the offlane that can push and/or hit buildings

          heros that need teamcoordination are bad in 1k (bat, enigma etc)

          go darkseer and push 2 waves constantly with orbed hotd creep
          go brewmaster, destroy lane be the carry yourself
          go beastmaster and just push
          bristle and underlord might be good too

          -dont pick heros that need teamcoordination
          -pick a hero that can push lanes