General Discussion

General Discussion3850-4700 in 20days playing only Pos5

3850-4700 in 20days playing only Pos5 in General Discussion

    Elo hell is bullshit.





      quest to questing

        io mid is the only way to go


          Did not do Io mid but played alot of Io.
          Heropool consisted mostly of CM, Wd, Warlock, Io,Lion, Aa, Occasional pos 3-4 with Shaker/wr. Playing only mid right now.

          Retnuh Flim

            @<(^v^<) i envy you. How do you improve as a position 5 support :(

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              ONLY POS 5

              Lizard wizard

                wisp spammer DansGame

                Lruce Bee

                  how's mid working out


                    Mid is going fine. Either i Dominate entire game and sometimes we're losing and i'm still doing ok.

                    The way from 3850-4700 Didn't include a single Mid/carry game.


                      Shit maybe i should copy what you did, been stuck in 3.6-3.8k in the last 6 months for try hard playing cores


                        I did this before the Battlepass Role MM system and the reason I did this is because there is soooo many people that want to play core.
                        By playing excellent support and trying not to die at all you're giving your team a huge upperhand by simply not feeding, like alot of supports usually do. Therefore having alot more impact on the actual game by not dying and tping on every gank the other team makes,While other supports probably wouldn't tp to help out.

                        I started playing Mid and carry back in 2006 and I've mostly played these 2 roles. To be able to play an excellent support you need to know what the core needs.
                        I always try to deward every ward the opponent place and I also try to ward before they do so I always see where they put the wards.
                        Stacking as many camps as possible etc. Alot of the games i finish with tranquilboots and wand only because I spent twice as much as the opponents support on wards and counterwards, forcing them to play in darkness while my team can run around freely.
                        easy wins.

                        Todays record is 8wins 2 losses. playing mid only.


                          now do the same on low behaviour score

                          good luck


                            @Emptyjar I'm currently doing that on another account that I use when I'm playing with lower friends and on that account i've been muted 3-5 times and it was somewhere around 3200 a week ago and now it's 3700


                              Äs you can see in my latest games mid is going pretty ok and I'm on a 14-15 winstreak atm and only lost 1 in the last 18 games.


                                Lol. I got +200 in 2 days.


                                  give me more tips on supporting
                                  thank you


                                    gif tip pls



                                      gif is too short (minimum is 6 characters)


                                        How to play zeus
                                        Omg that zeus winrate


                                          Yea zeus winrate is pretty high, Woke up after a few hours of sleep last night and was supertierd and lost 2 games. Gonna go back at it again.

                                          Idk what more i can say when it comes to supporting.
                                          I think people should focus more on warding and counterwarding and less on getting items. I see alot of supports not warding for several minutes because they're pushing for some item and that can lose you the game.
                                          During the first 5 minutes of the game if mid is getting ganked, just starting a Tp mid can stop the opponent from commiting and you don't even have to finish ur tp channel.
                                          As I said previously. Stacking ancient and hardcamps was probably my main source of income when supporting. sometimes when I played with Pa/Jugg/void i left the lane as soon as he was comfortable soloing and just went to stack for 10minutes, while only being lvl 2-4 myself. Then at 15min mark when they usually have bf I just follow them around and get Xp when they clear stacks.
                                          And as mentioned before, responding on other teams ganks all the time.


                                            Communicating is always good. As a Core player, when I feel my support knows what they're doing, I'll listen to their calls.

                                            Ultimately I'll make what I feel is the best decision, but no core will be upset if a support says "Coming for gank" or "Snakes up, let's push the tower".


                                              Impressive stuff.
                                              If you put as much time infinding a decent job as in improving your dota skills, you would be a hell of an employee.

                                              Edit: now it should make sense


                                                I'm a restaurant manager so I'm good


                                                  That is actually even more impressive. You manage to play this account you are writting off all the free non sleeping time an average employee has as a manager!!! and are also able to raise mmr on a secondary account. I guess you aren't sleeping at all.

                                                  I think I would like a guide on how to survive this life style.


                                                    ^ if you actually DO things instead of just talking crap. Then you wont be needing a guide.


                                                      Are you mad at me because I said that OP should find a decent job or that I question his manager story?
                                                      The guy is obviously a booster, promoting that lifestyle and when confronted with the reality of what he is doing he comes back to me with a restaurant manager story. I hate lifeless people who have nothing better to do but to destroy other peoples games while creating new accounts to promote their useless skills which will bring them nothing in the future.
                                                      The best thing that could happen to him is that he realized what a mistake he made, just tries to go pro, or simply finds a decent job that will occupy his life and prevent him from living a miserable life.

                                                      Am I selfish for wanting to be matched with players who play the game as good as I do? Maybe, but since I pay for content of the game, I have the right to shit on lifeless jerks who do nothing but destroying other peoples game experience while doing nothing the whole day but playing a game on a new created account to boost their ego with the mmr.

                                                      Now excuse me, I will go back to doing something after the 20 mins of valueable time I spent to insult a obvious booster.


                                                        Yes totally fabricated. Retard


                                                          Just because you're some ancient trash that can never get good and obviously failed irl at the same time doesn't mean other people can't be successfull. I didn't have to show you my name tag but I did because I could.

                                                          So much salt btw, You want fries to that? @Dragy10


                                                            Well I have to say I got owned here. For all I care I almost play dota for the major part of my free time while working full time and I never get near the average game count even while sleeping 6 hours a day.
                                                            I still don't get how you can sleep at this point tbh. I have a friend who is a restaurant manager and he works an average of 10 hours a day with a 6 hour shift on saturdays, that is the source of my premise.

                                                            For all I care you could actually have taken a name badge of anybody so I still don't belive it tbh, but I would want to hear when you sleep with that life style.

                                                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                              good job man

                                                              alot of wisps. its always nice to have a wisp tag along.

                                                              you seem loke the kind of guy that wants to do whatever you can to win. and not for high numbers and flashy replays


                                                                Usually I play for fun. Played competetive before Dota got really big and played some competetive Hon. Have some old teammates that played and are playing competetive Dota atm.

                                                                I don't know what shitty country u or your restaurant manager friend live in but I live in norway and here I usually don't have to work more then fulltime and rarley on weekends.
                                                                I'm not really interested doxing myself with my driverslicense to prove you wrong but idc really.
                                                                You can stay a salty poor shitkid if you want to.
                                                                After a quick look at your games i'd just advice you to find another game or just quit playing all along and go get some education or something. You seem like an unhappy basementdweller.

                                                                For any more questions feel free to ask.


                                                                  I probably deserver the cockyness for implying that you are a lifeless person but you are kinda ridding a to high horse for a restaurant manager.

                                                                  Thanks for the info on Norway tho, I will say my friend to reconsider moving and might be looking for something myself there. I just googled that developers a slightly more there on average. Seems like norway is the promised land.