General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to do when you fall behind on a Battle Fury hero

What to do when you fall behind on a Battle Fury hero in General Discussion

    ex getting ganked and dying multiple times, or just missing so many last hits for whatever reasons. Do you still persist in getting that late 18, 20 minute battle fury? Or do you try shift build to something that can allow you to fight/pseudo-farm?
    Like remember my "alternative AM build" of vlads-maelstrom as a substitute for battle fury? I was thinking around those lines. My most recent Jugg game, I got ganked 6 times in the safelane, and I was so far away from battle fury, so I switched to a MoM-maelstrom build, to try to fight earlier. It somewhat worked, allowing us to win a few fights, though we still ended up losing in the end


      Depends on your hero i guess, like if you’re an AM you need that bf. But it’s your teams job to cover, make space, swap lanes etc

        AM without BF sounds pretty bad imo.

        Depends on the hero. Can you catch up by fighting? Can your team make space for you to catch up?

        Regardless, if you're dying, you're not farming. I'd make sure I could live first.


          Like I can see going yasha before bf on a troll or jugg if ur behind

          Lruce Bee

            Rarely worth it to deviate in normal skill. Farm for the late game always.


              find space,you are in normal skill lmao


                No point repeatedly dying whilst trying to get a farming item. Get an extra small item before you get to that position in the game. (Unless it is some bait and switch where someone else is snowballing on your team and can carry the game home...)