General Discussion

General DiscussionReached Archon :P

Reached Archon :P in General Discussion

    To all those stuck in 0-2000 mmr range feel free to ask me how to get out of this trench, I calibrated at 812 mmr and went as low as 600 and now im 2200. U can wish me as well xD. I feel i did well with respect to games played.


      Did it hurt playing AM?


        I see 100 games on axe,i think last few months and now hes the best hero to 0-2000mmr,he nicely rekt all these agility heroes on safelane,not relying on support as typical agi carry agaist you,two items to win game is also nice☺


          How can I get out of this trench? I'm falling down to 400 right now but my max is high like 960. I don't know what to do with my stupid teammates being so bad as they are in every game! I always pick carry no matter what and they always lose all of their lanes and feed a lot. Sometimes we don't even have a support but I have to pick a carry anyways or we lose. It's paradoxical...


            Gratz, much better and worth than getting ancient by abusing tokens


              @Vandal Am was the 2nd hero i learnt after sladar, half of the games I played with am were 1st pick and i didnt know what i was doing xD. It did hurt bad.

              @P9^ True af

              @L❤VE u forgot to add the 4 before 960 and 400 ur mmr xD.

              @oklahoma Thanks. That token shit should be reverted.

              SASA POPOVIC

                Ha, you reached archon and you think you are out of trench oh boy you are up for a ride. Because the ride never ends.

                And if you somehow survive archon, all the account buyers in legend bracket will be the death of you. Ask any newly ancient player how much did he spent on therapy after rising thourgh the legend hell. Stay crusader boys its most fun bracket!


                  You did well 👍
                  I calibrated at crusader 3 then now at Archon 2. Feels good!


                    Ohh those account buyers at legend picking shit heroes and losing lanes that shouldn't be possible losing

                    Lruce Bee

                      Noob archon


                        Hello mate im archon 1-2
                        Nc to meeet youw


                          I feel like I'm a Crus for life.. x.x

                          /e: Might be little shit for some, but congrats. Hoping to join ya soon. (;


                            100 games axe. i was the guy who post herald-[5] after 2 years. now in archon. from 2 digit mmr to 4digits. if you ask me how to get out in this trench? well, i dont have the answer😂😂😂 maybe its just 1 month of dota lucky day.


                              FeelsGoodMan and PogChamp for u

                              Ngentot Yuk

                                Just make new account. And dont fuck up when u TBD
                                If u still stuck below 2k. Then its your real bracket
                                Dont blame your team
                                Spam hero that can split push early


                                  how to get out of this trench?


                                    nice one fella. keep on climbing!


                                      Yeah u r just getting in to a new trench, that was nothing compare to what is waiting for you son