General Discussion

General DiscussionSpamming vs Versality

Spamming vs Versality in General Discussion

    which is best for improving in Doto??


      once you have a basic knowledge, spamming is without a doubt better for improving (not just for improving mmr) if you are playing a hero you've mastered (relatively speaking) then you can focus on the dota.

      flourishing new leaf

        Actually knowing how to play dota!

        Bad Intentions

          What ever it takes to win.


            spamming 😂😂😂


              spam morphling like me tnx


                For spamming, i reccomend it for below archon medal but for climbing from archon to legend it was a matter of verastile pick. However once you've reached legend bracket, you can now start to respamming a high complexity hero (invoker, arc warden, mophling, etc.) I am speaking this from 1.2k bracket to 3.5k (legend 3) bracket. (Although honestly i never played invoker or arc warden properly lol)

                cursed by Gaben

                  I hate high versality teamates.

                  This stats does not help in playing ranked game if you re not familiar with that hero.


                    @w a t e r .
                    why you spam morph if you are OMEGA bad? 49 wr btw

                    Lruce Bee

                      There's no world where being versatile is beneficial except if you are a pro player.



                        I thought I was the only one. (;

                        It goes both ways. You learn the limits of heroes when you play or play against them.

                        Having a few heroes that you always feel comfortable on is important.


                          casue morphling is a based skilled hero that needs good support in order to win? some of my losses are some idiot players who wont help laning stage and jsut fucking leech exp ROFl


                            spam whatever you enjoy and win with, your mmr will raise and you will play with better players
                            you will improve


                              im guilty to say that im one of those spammers... i do adjust if necessary but most of the time i pick same hero over and over again 😅😅😅😅