General Discussion

General DiscussionJakiro counters IN LANE.

Jakiro counters IN LANE. in General Discussion
Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

    Jakiro is pretty strong in lane, but I don't know which heroes are good against him during the lanning phase.


      Everything tanky that makes him retreat first, bristle brew tide, pitlord legion and abadon can dispel his harass, you can bait him to use his harras hit creeps and push lane to your tower etc..


        just pick omni and duo lane

        Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

          Everytime he uses liquid fire try to stay near creeps, so it will mess his pos1 farm. U know it's the main task of any offlane hero : to make pos1's life misserable.

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            abaddon lc tide tier 1
            clock omni weaver tier 2

            abaddon/lc/omni + 1 in ur lane = rope


              sandking undying lich trilaning your safe lane


                I mean I won a lane as slark against doom jakiro ama


                  I really love Jakiro, so from my perspective from playing him:

                  - Tanky heroes who don't care too much about his harass, or heroes with heals.

                  - Heroes with a dispel (Legion, Abba), if they are smart they save it for Dual Breath. Liquid Fire doesn't do a lot early and purging it would be expensive on mana

                  - Try and sit in the creep to force Jakiro to deal AoE to creeps and push the wave. It is REALLY hard to properly harass with Jakiro and not push the wave, so if you can force him to hit creeps then it will help you bring the wave to your tower.

                  - Pick someone who can out harass Jakiro. Liquid Fire is good harass, but until he gets 3 points in it, the CD is long and it isn't terrible to deal with. If you have a hero that can harass well Levels 1-4, you can win the attrition war in the lane.


                    Any self dispel offlaner like abaddon or tide my brother


                      Self dispellers yes... tide no.

                      Basically your gonna be at like 20-30% by the time your passive procs to remove the DOTS.
                      Tide gets rekt by Jakiro pretty nicely.


                        lion, stun and burn his mana.

                        SASA POPOVIC

                          ^ ex deee

                          Potato Marshal

                            Most people here said offlaners that can dispel themselves. LC is good for that but gets completely fucked by Jakiro past the laning stage if you're not dueling him since he can land everything on you when you duel.

                            Tide is good for dispelling hard disables when you try to burst him or lock him down, but he's terrible at sustaining consistent harassment against heroes like Jakiro.

                            Abaddon is alright though, but nobody plays him.

                            Omni is too weak early game, dispel cooldown and mana cost is too high and you need too many levels in your heal to sustain against both dual breath and liquid fire.


                              wat about doom? the guy can eat small satyr and purging for midgame

                              Potato Marshal

                                I've never really had a problem with Jakiro in lane against Doom, but then again I don't think I've seen any Dooms do that in my games.


                                  i see

                                  i see is too short(minimum is 6 characters)

                                  SASA POPOVIC

                                    Doom cant fight without scorched earth, when with scorched earth and idealy eaten satyr, he doesnt care.