General Discussion

General DiscussionCan u be good at dota and have a life?

Can u be good at dota and have a life? in General Discussion

    So i started going out again,going to gym,reading and catching up on my studies,and i dont like playing dota anymore.I'd rather watch on twitch or watch some tv show than playing.Used to play 5-6 hours per day before when i was into dota alot.Now its kinda meh,feel like if i dont play alot im losing my skill and cant make myself give a fuck to win the game,but when i was playing hardcore,i would tryhard so much.

    me, government hooker

      ok so 1. u were askingg 1 week ago if its too late to go pro or smth and now saying u dont wanna play anymore so theeres ur answer
      and 2. none of the ppl here are good so why are u asking them

      theres a few pro players that tkae care of their lives (like fly for instance) so im sure u can be good and have a life

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        im god of dota and extremely popular IRL, if u cant do both maybe ure just bad op =)


          No you cant, meta is too volatile, what was good now it isnt, strats you did now dont work, people you played with improved you stagnated!

          I made a break and gone back to dota, lose 3 games on my account, like stomped to the ground lost, now im chilling on my smurf and play with my friends, try it, when you make low account dota is kinda fun again. You can enjoy playing casual dota like that for couple of reasons:

          1) YOu dont care about your MMR if you win or lose, losing streaks "luck" and all that stuff dont bother you anymore.

          2) When you go out you dont think about lost MMR and how the hell will you gain it back

          3) you just chill with lowbies and you chase that "pro move" you saw on some twitch clip, if you do it yay for you, if you dont who cares, lowbies wont flame you because you are only one with positive KDA in team.


            god of dota divine 1 4k games BrokeBack =)


              Define good...


                atleast top 500,thats my goal,but without leaving my life behind

                SASA POPOVIC

                  If you arent Miracle forget about it, that requires dedication and tons of time.


                    I just watched a good click of mc gregor on conan about this issue(google -> Conor McGregor Got His Start As A Plumber - CONAN on TBS). he was about to be a plumber and hated everything he is doing and just wanted to do something meaningful in his life so he started to spend all his time on improving in mma.

                    from what I just read, you dont have the imperative to do the same so I would advice you to keep your life in order.


                      HAVE A LIFE?


                      SASA POPOVIC

                        BTW one important thing, Real life stuff >>> Dota, lets be honest here, dota rank wont put food in your fridge. And outside nobody gives a flying fuck what rank are you in some video game. Its a hobby, let it be a hobby.

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          god of dota divine 1 4k games BrokeBack =)

                          me, government hooker


                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              define "life". if you are talking about social life, yes. if you are talking about having a gf or w/e, also yes. dota is just a hobby and unless you are super addicted it is not more time consuming than any other hobby. yes, it takes a lot of playtime to constantly stay good. but about 10~ games a week (you dont even need that many imo) should be enough to keep you top level.

                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                @kill my pain dude fly is a fucking beast, especially with a father like that

                                I used to practice in judo, and was directed for tutoring (I am not in shape for competitive matches, but I have good technique).
                                and fly's father Moni gave two lectures for us about motivating and fitness improving

                                this guy is insane, he is ruthless and would make you run like half a marathon a day. ofcourse fly is going to be in such shape


                                  ^ he even dating the OG manager lol, will be interesting now since he moved to EG and should this affect his career

                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                    evany was his girlfriend BEFORE og.

                                    og was created by the efforts of fly, n0tail and her.

                                    so I don't think it would do anything


                                      well it is pretty refreshing to see people giving down actual values to their kids as in the case of fly's father, you might see that as ruthless but at least you can be sure that he will not encounter a mid life crisis because of substance abuse or any other fatal hobbies currently circulating in the mainstream

                                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                        oh no I didn't mean to say something offensive about him, I think he is amazing. he know how to push your boundaries and is really supportive

                                        in "ruthless" I mean that he would squeeze everything out of you and would make sure you are going to be the best you can, no pity. he would make you work hard.

                                        did I mention that he was the mentor of our first ever olymipic medalist Ya'el Arad?


                                          im god of real life and extremely popular on dota too


                                            ^this weeb is legit guys


                                              weebs rule the world
                                              I bet they watch anime at the Bilderberg meetings


                                                hi i'm legit
                                                nice to meet you,i hate watching anime btw
                                                prefer red mango


                                                  @positivity do you know the concept of long distance relationship? Its tiring and affect your life a lot


                                                    Talking about things that don't make sense, does anybody know why solo bought over 6k battlepass points?

                                                    SASA POPOVIC

                                                      Offtopic too, @Feachairu, i see you are into Turbo cavern chalange thingy! Did you notice that people because of shitty cavern tryhard in turbo more than in ranked? I spamed turbo so much over the past week that my brain is actualy so dampened to the point where i entered normal game and wondered why is coureer so slow and where is my 5minute battlefury? Ex fucking deee!!!!!!!!!!!


                                                      Send help i cant play carry in my main bracket i can only stomp noobs on this shitty smurf REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

                                                      Also baby Roshan when?


                                                        i kind of not get it lol what you mean^

                                                        you inviting to play together?

                                                        yea,tryharding in turbo is a must now. usually i just odnt care and tell my friends to pick whatever they want,now we going support etc etc 2 lanes ganking smoking aggresive warding

                                                        SASA POPOVIC

                                                          We trilaned yesterday and stack & pulled! :d

                                                          I think my SEA ping would be the death of me. :<


                                                            nooo i thought you sea player
                                                            rip then no play together