General Discussion

General Discussion2 sleight of fist charges

2 sleight of fist charges in General Discussion

    Why do people get it on magical ember? Chains have 8s cooldown anyway (longer than sleight of fist cd even without the talent), and with remnant cd you can go in and out easily or do the remnant burst without having to wait a minute and a half for the charges to restore.
    Even hero stats on dotabuff show higher winrate for remnant cooldown (i guess it is mostly pub players, but still).
    Yet all pros pick the charges talent, why is that?


      Idk why people do it on magic ember, maybe as a way of being invulnerable for longer idk.

      All I know is that on physical ember that talent is fucking IMBA.


        its more consistent dmg with mjollnir/maelstrom probably


          I dunt know too brother. It actually have 6scd cd, why even bother to pick it?