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General DiscussionExpected MMR change while learning new heroes (at 2k)

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Expected MMR change while learning new heroes (at 2k) in General Discussion

    Hi guys,
    I really want to diversify my hero pool as I haven't touched 75% of them. I'm unwilling to play unranked as I am <1k trash there, but I lose so much MMR while learning! For example, I had lost ~200 MMR spamming cores like Kunkka, Timber, and Doom, and ~300 playing supports (most notably Lion). Succinctly put, I want to know how I can mitigate MMR loss while learning heroes in ranked matchmaking while spamming a single hero. I have recently had success with Zeus, however.
    P.S. Single draft was a good chance to learn (WK and Axe) and somehow carry Divine players, but queue times are way too long and I don't want to tank behaviour score by abandoning (shitty connection).

    Marko Bulat

      Make a smurf account like everyone else


        I am low enough MMR already :(

        Marko Bulat

          It doesnt matter you cant climb while diving your account just make new account and practice


            Apart from playing heroes to learn how they work I think it is pointless trying to have a large hero pool. No offense but you would do better to learn how to play dota with a couple of heroes and diversify when you can appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of the rest of the heroes.

            If you care about mmr and can’t stomp with your current few heroes that you know well then you’re never going to climb by trying new heroes - at best you’ll get back to your current mmr because you’re not focusing on what is limiting you which 100% will not be the hero you play.


              For learning just one or two heroes, maybe spam on your main isn`t bad, cause you will learn them faster, and you will see can you play them. But if you want to learn like 10 or more than make snurf. Also most high mmr playars even some pro don` t play more than 20% of all heroes. Just don`t think much, drop of 500mmr isn`t much you will get back fast, but if you still drop don` t play that hero cause he isn`t your play stile.



                this is the reult of 2k mmr people


                  Play Dusa I think you're really good at it 👍.
                  We have the same rank but you have great KDA in your best hereos in which I don't 😢