General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Calibration .

New Calibration . in General Discussion

    Guys, for new calibration medals. I've crusedur medal. Can I get archon or legend medal after calibrate ??


      Yes if you are good


        No cause ure bad


          Why u want Archon or Legend, if u playing like a Crusader?

          DoDe x) blvck.

            I just got everygame a good game from my side i had 5lost games in a row cause I had mid AA with no clue what his doing, next game carry and middle 45deaths in 35 min together, next game did everything had 20 + kills my team still refused to help me
            out ass carry this matchmaking is not good its worse with the new calibration , Im not fuckin Miracle to cary 1vs9 feelsbadmann