General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport: The best way to climb out of the trench

Support: The best way to climb out of the trench in General Discussion

    What do you guys think? I used to feel that playing core was mandatory for climbing, and I know that many high ranked players suggest trying to narrow your picks to core roles exclusively while climbing, but I have noticed that when my mmr sinks, playing support generally implements knowledge from higher brackets that I fall from. Like, I could implement the same knowledge as a core but I can not do it as early in the game, therefore if the early game falls to shreds I don’t get to apply what I learned 2-3 badges above my current mmr. What about you all? How do you grind out mmr when you want to get back to a spot? Anybody play support like I do to solve that?


      spam pudge for ez report


        First pick mid


          I've first or second pick to Mid for all 3 of my calibration games so far and stomped all of them.


            I played support in all calibration games, I personally find its easy as hell to climb with it...


              Supporting fck no unreliable way to win if ur core sucks

              Potato Marshal

                No, that's just a stupid reddit meme.



                  Not quite. This dogshit Sniper triggers me badly to no end