General Discussion

General DiscussionI climbed from high skill to very high skill

I climbed from high skill to very high skill in General Discussion

    Ask me anything regarding how to get vhs. Vhs is top1% of dota players according to valve where 4000 mmr is the 99th percentile so it’s very hard to achieve but I can give you some tips.

    Disturbed Jawker

      how do i win as a jungle creep


        Hi, the only viable jungler would be bloodseeker where you would buy 2stout shields and 1queling blade and then spam skill on your midlaner while secretly leeching his xp before heading to jungle.

        Farm your boots and maybe you can try killing some out of position heroes. Else just farm and repeat.


          Fucking troll . If he was being nice u had to rOOn it .


            Legend != 99th percentile. Not by a long shot mate.

            These distributions should be more accurate, albeit not flawless: &

            Retnuh Flim

              VHS is not top 1% bru :3


                how do you dota


                  do you peel the banana from the top side or the bottom side?


                    depends on where he wants to put the banana after peeling it


                        how i get the heart of a carry?


                          No troll questions please I’m trying to help the community


                            How to play sf

                            Disturbed Jawker

                              how do i get the heart of the cards to guide me?


                                what do you do if you get harrassed out of the lane?(mostly as a carry)


                                  @hotel sorry but I don’t play sf anymore.

                                  @faber from the draft you can see if enemy will dual lane versus you.
                                  Get triple regen items(3 tangoes or 2 tango 1salve don’t buy mango that item sucks) vs hard dual lanes.
                                  Maintain high ground for runes.
                                  Get stick after quelling blade.
                                  Send yourself tangoes when you send out your item when the courier is in flying mode.
                                  Aggro the creeps back to kill your ranged creep, if the enemy is bad they won’t counter your pull (remember to counter them if they do that)
                                  Only go for free kills(enemy o.o.position or diving), Don’t go out of your way for kills before lvl or item advantage this will hurt you because they respawn with full mana and hp and your wave position will be shit (to fix this just shove the wave, or ask for a pull, or Before harrassing/killing pull your creeps back until your ranged is at least half hp.)

                                  If you screw up and your supports were feeding too you need to go jungle abit and let them destroy your tower and farm around t2. If it’s just you feeding just stick around the tower and juke around the tree line when they dive you.

                                  These are just general things, you need to understand how each hero functions and what is everyone doing by looking at the map.


                                    By looking at the map if you were in my game I could tell you're a monkey just from your farming pattern or your movement ; top 1% boy.


                                      if you are a top 1% player, could you answser my question? i think about this all the day, anyway than god bless you my friend


                                        Please do not talk to me you medalless animal


                                          @animal dont mind them, they are arrogant fools. They think having a blue star make them good or something lol.


                                            ^i think both of you are the same guy?

                                            BSJ. LGD

                                              yea these kids dont even have immortal and they think their good ROFL

                                              Saya Tidak Takut, Hadapi ...

                                                My VHS recorder is broken how do I make it stop making love with my dog


                                                  Sorry but it's more like TOp 10%


                                                    isn't everyone playing in vhs? i thought it's like 100% of community


                                                      How do you win when ur team always have some teammate who first pick carry,get a sb on pa instead of bkb when opponent has invoked and warlock?Or pick pl when opponent has magnus, winter wyvern and es?

                                                      Disturbed Jawker

                                                        simple you play better than them

                                                        play for fun

                                                          how do i find happiness in life

                                                          legion jungle picker 2020

                                                            wow you're rude, I'm reporting you

                                                            Potato PC

                                                              How to win ranked match on SE ASIA as IO solo support?

                                                              Little Crow

                                                                Op is a baboon,

                                                                You aren't a guru of dota because of the label 'very high skill' most people in very high skill are garbage who think they're good (including you).




                                                                    Bumping this thread because I keep seeing people asking about vhs