General Discussion

General Discussioncan't win in party uweeeh

can't win in party uweeeh in General Discussion

    those 3 man low rank ppl auto picks 3 cores

    [RR53] RR

      It's a sacred rule that one stack gets mid and other stack gets carry. Unless you can make a better deal, that's the default. lul


        2 man stack pick 1 core 1 supp
        3 man stack pick 1 core 1 supp + offlane or whatever missing

        2/3 man all cores without communicating 1st = auto reported

        Mode : TOPSON

          considering you or your party to play necro
          pretty broken for playing 2 or 3 stack

          Story Time

            ^excuse me, but can i dual offlane with necro and huskar?? Your opinion is very important


              Well if they weren’t going to support each other in a party then go contest them and ruin their laning with 2 more cores. That’ll teach em


                Necro + Huskar lane is quite tough to play against. You have to have really good disables for that. They certainly add a lot of pressure... Huskar on the offlane is very annoying and if he has a pair that is half as annoying you can easily ruin the life of the enemy safelaners...


                  But then you stuck with necro support

                  How about huskar lich or huskar skymage for even more cancer

                  Well if they weren’t going to support each other in a party then go contest them and ruin their laning with 2 more cores. That’ll teach em

                  I seriously consider this approach but don't want to waste my friend and my time just for guaranteed -25

                  I recommend go 1 core 1 supp and go trilaning with whichever sideline that 3 core idiots ran and hijack it for your own party


                    faken smurf on my 5 man rank


             faken tinker burst like a pleb i don't recall died doing nothing as cm either smurf or scripts

                      sha bi mode

                        just party with IRL friends duh...
