General Discussion

General DiscussionTrilane not suggested in lower brackets?

Trilane not suggested in lower brackets? in General Discussion

    Hey guys, as far as i know the curent meta favours 2-1-2 laning but occasionally you will end up with a trilane because the position 4 players likes to start at the safe lane.

    I realy do not like it because it feels like a lot of this kind of games you have a disadvantage and eventually lose the game.

    My perception on a trilane is, especially against a solo offlaner (and a jungler on the enemie team), to go for the kill if manageable and if not then to keep the lane balanced and zone the offlaner to let him get close to nothing out of it. Should he overextend you stil have the possibility to get the kill on him.

    My problem is, that 99% of the time when i play position 5 in a trilane the other support will get aggro by the next wave, or lower the hp of the next wave by his spells while he trys to get some dmg on the offlaner (or because he thinks we can kill him while at that particular moment we realy cant do that). This will result in a pushed lane. Our safelane carry (all by his own) cant handle to not push the lane because of lasthitting and not properly attacking and denying our own creeps.

    This frequently results in 1-3 kills on the offlaner but in the end he will stil get decent lvls (oftenly even higher then the lvl of our saflane) and ok farm dou to the inability to stop the lane from pushing.
    I try my best to double-pull over and over but i am never able to manage to hold the creeps fighting near our tower for more then 1-2 waves because of said reasons.

    The result is that our carry has ok farm compared to theirs but without the additional jungler farm they have. The biggest issue i see here is the lvl advantage their offlaner has compared to our carry and that our 2 supports are complety underlvled.

    I always tell them to go for the kill OR zone without fucking up the lane equilibrium but it NEVER works.

    What are your thoughts about this? Should i tell the position 4 player not to come for a trilane? Or am i making some kind of mistake anywhere through my thought process? I realy would like to hear your opinions about it.


      Why u need to tell pos 4 anything cant u TP tp offlane and make 2-1-2 play?


        Easier is move your self than rage in chat to someone else to move


          and if they have jungler and u cant jungle your self maybe u can still hunt theirs jungler and stop him from jungling??? U know jungle EXP goes split between all who is in EXP-range it doesnt matter who gets last hit. Stand there in high ground and get 50%exp of jungle and wait right time to kill jungler


            2-1-2 starts on 5.5k+
            And will get less and less frequent as the mmr average goes lower