General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy are so many "pro" players buying Midas

Why are so many "pro" players buying Midas in General Discussion

    I have noticed this trend for like 1 or 2 weeks now I see many midi around. Is greed just in or is it really the META right now?


      Because of the xp multiplier and games going mid/late

      Future AS2 Mono Billionaire

        Games are now slower due to tower armor change; you need more exp to get through level 7-12 now, and on the newly popular slow-farming strength cores like naix/ck a midas makes it easier to bridge that exp gap and better gear up for mid/late game. Before that, games were faster and most popular cores were fast-farming agi heroes who had no problem getting fast levels/items just by hitting creeps, so midas was kinda meh.


          What's the timing for pos 1 and 3? Like is 14 minute still acceptable as pos 3?


            Its still ok if u have 1 other item (not brown boots ofc)


              Midas gives 40 attack speed.


                u shouldnt base buying midas on just timing

                if u have tinker u can buy it later. if they have ld ss jugg u might want to skip a late midas. game state will change how long u have midas by 10-30 minutes, timing is important but only changes it by 2-6 minutes as core

                midas is very strong rn but i still see people get memed on because they have triple midas against some strong push and 1 lost teamfight is rax

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Yes 40 attack speed is the reason, no memes. It is high enough attack speed that buying this item doesnt make you feel like deadweight anymore


                    meanwhile i am getting tired of games with 3 midas cores in my team ....


                      Games arent slow at all. Its the atk speed and also fighting/5 man meta where you dont hit many creeps so it helps u get xp and gold


                        Midas help u to push faster. Those catapults is nice to clear by Midas and fast push on. In current Meta which one man needs to do it all