General Discussion

General Discussionarc burden

arc burden in General Discussion
Shure SM57

    i recently start spamming arc warden to grind, i always play mid, you guys may check my recent games and give me ur opinion about my play. i need some advice, because i knew im not that good yet. thanks for your time :D

    from my experience, i always lose against kunkka (good kunkka player), when the kunkka player is not that good, even tho i can still win the lane, its really hard to farm against him.


      If you are going to be spamming Arc literally every game (which is already a bad idea in this meta IMO), you need to diversify your build to include more powerful active items, specifically Scythe of Vyse and Nullifier/Bloodthorne. Building some auto attacking items like Mjollnir is good because you do need to farm, but as the game goes on your team will usually need you to contribute more than just auto attacking from really far away.

      The reason you always lose vs Kunkka is because Kunkka is awesome against Arc, he stops you from escaping with his E, locks you down with his Q and R, and his W lets him dominate you in lane and into the rest of the game. Your best way to not lose vs Kunkka is to not pick Arc!


        if ur behind just buy hex and then ur insanely useful. even with nothing but mj ur aoe damage output is very good

        i recently played this residentsleeper ass lane, it is very awful but not as bad as pl. he skipped stout so i forced him to buy FIVE salves


          Watch VaxaStyle on twitch. He spams him. There are only 3 heroes that counters you really hard on mid - Brood, Meepo, Phantom Lancer. Other match ups could be won if you just play better than the enemy.