General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play against SF as Arc Warden?

How to play against SF as Arc Warden? in General Discussion

    When you messed up ur early level for whatever reasons and sf just sit in lane and last hit + deny everything with his 999 damage and u just standing there with dogshit dmg, aspd, movement spd and whenever u try to got close sf just double or even triple razes lu like wtf. Pls help that's so frustating, wtf why sf dont just fast farm and clear wave then jungle


      zone with spark wraith, buy wraith bands, don't rush Midas. don't mess up early denies?
      sf is a free kill when you get 6


        No idea why you’re struggling. Lvl 1-2 aw is stronger. Lvl 3-5 sf is stronger. After lvl 6 you should kill him non stop. Get lvl 1 magnetic, kill ranged, put sparkle behind and start to kill him with both heroes and magnetics. If he runs away hes dead. If you do, you’re dead. Let him farm for a few lvls and then don’t let him come close. If he touch the river and waste his magic damage on creeps he deserves to die. If he flash farms, he wastes his only way to kill you. Literally one of the easiest matchups. I think only Zeus and sniper are easier. Just don’t let him stay next to creeps


          Lvl 1 arc is way stronger... so dont mess it up unless he has an ogre with him that spams ignite on you(if thats the case, u cant do anything)


            sf is just very abusive if you dont know the matchup or are not comfortable on your hero.


              kill range creep with spark. if he sticks in wave, slap him from hg. if he doesnt, kill him

              kill catapult with tower or midas. dont fuck up bad because he will rape you lvl 3-5 and then keep you low enough to kill with 3x lvl 4 raze


                Simple. Survive til level 6, hit level 6, ult and kill.

                Sf has no souls, you lost lane but can now have the space to come back.

                Sf tps back into lane after respawning, ult, kill again, he now resorts to jungle to catch up on souls

                You've been afk farming, you catch up, you win.

                Short form answer: Patience.

                Unless the sf isn't dumb and tps out. But then you have the lane.