General Discussion

General DiscussionAgainst huskar mid

Against huskar mid in General Discussion
fr chopin。

    I am actually tired of losing mid to huskar boosters... What should I practice to beat him? For example, as far as I know people say qop counters him on the laning stage. How to learn to abuse qop's attack distance and etc.?


      play aa mid/viper/necro
      this hero is pretty shit now tbh just dont let him get roshan at min 10-15 when he get his armlet and he dies


        also huskar>qop i think

        mute all

          viper is the best hero against huskar..


            anything that clears creep waves quick

            AT&T Samsung Galaxy

              (if he picks after you) outblock him on first wave and dont let him deny any creeps so u get lvl 2 fast, after clearing wave fast go block again so u get goood wave again or farm the jungle


                Viper is easy counter, with wind you can counter as well. For supports AA, SD - if you manage to ball him after he uses inner fire and ulti him, he just dies on the copies within couple of seconds. You can solokill him with SD.


                  Viper clinkz lina

                  69 god

                    Get heroes with physical damage. Mk with early orb, clinkz, viper are the best.
                    I don't know if qop can actually be good tho.
                    You just need him good timings and most huskars would be easy to lure under the towers before level 6. Try some regen baits if possible.


                      wait no one plays huskar right now lol

                      Dark EVANGEL

                        huskar has 1% pick rate folks