General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat about this build for Wraith King

What about this build for Wraith King in General Discussion

    Early game get your standard QB, wand, a bracer, rain drops and phase boots.

    Then go Meteor hammer. This actually should work really good with him because a 2 second length stun and a slow basically means the enemy have only half a second to get out of the AOE (so realistically only blinkers like qop/AM/slark).

    4 seconds of hard lockdown and 240+690 magic damage. Plus in the meantime all his skeletons are also attacking the target.

    Means he can fight even better really early, push towers even faster, and it can also be used to farm creeps camps since it can be cast every 30 seconds.

    From there you go standard radiance and late game items (AC, BKB, blink, deso, skadi, aghs etc). In the really late game if you need you can just swap it out while fighting and then switch it back in when he is hitting a tower.

    smurfs = no balls

      im not gonna commend on ur thing except that why would u build phase boots on wk since he benefits so heavily from attackspeed? I mean yea phase boots are nice on any melee carry but threads are so much better especially if u know hot to switch them around to get extra mana and hp and all the nice stuff :)


        Firstly its treads not threads, secondly you can check his hero page to see the hero clearly benefits more from phase than treads. He has an almost 60% winrate with phase boots compared to about 53% with treads. He clearly benefits from extra armour and attack damage (in order to crit) and needs the phase to get through all of his skeletons once he has summoned them.

        smurfs = no balls

          well sorry for typo u asshole and dotabuff winrate does not tell everything but whatever :)

          smurfs = no balls

            and i have pretty good winrate on wk so clearly TREADS***** are not bad

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Both boots are good for WK.
              Tread for farm, Phase for armor. Tread is usually for pos1.
              Cool idea @OP Might try it. Meteor Hammer is kinda like Echo Sabre, I forgot about the item's existence.


                Wouldn't this work better for a support/offlane WK? For a carry, you'd want to be right clicking during your stun, not channeling meteor hammer.


                  Yea i think going midas for a pos 3 is too greedy, meme hammer might solve this for flash farming lane creep


                    MH is good for more mana for WK maybe

                    U will score sure hit with MH if u start it right after WB bec WB will not hit instantly.

                    I would build MH mostly as support WK or some pseudo carry.

                    Don't buy QB as starting item bec u can buy it from side shop after runes

                    fr chopin。

                      why do u even care for wk? Just play bs he is so good right now. OMEGALUL


                        U will have awesome kill potential if u skill mortal strike first and stun second. U will have 2 skeletons at lvl 2 and 2 skeletons do as much damage as most heroes.


                          Just play bs with meteor hammee murranji he is so good. Just rupture people and channel ur MH, if they run they will get rupture dmg anyway so either way they will get dmaged


                            Hard Carry Wraith King certainly cannot build meme hammer... It is like Echo Sabre... It is nice to have and a possible nice combo with the stun, but you just don't have the item slots for it. You need your Boots, Radiance, BKB, Blink, Basher etc... That are all more important than a 2,5k item that is nice to have. Also, I am seeing quite a lot of jungle Wraith Kings now again, if you come out of the jungle with Meteor Hammer, you are going low prio, don't matter how well the game goes...

                            And Phase Boots is good on WK too... WK notoriously has like 0-1 starting armor and the agi gain isn't top notch, so all the armor is needed. You need to be able to fight the other right click carries in the game and if they kill you with 3-4 hits, it doesn't matter if the Resurrection has a 5 second cool down...


                              I just let you know the correct word no need to call me an asshole :(


                                Also I doubt even meteor hammer could work to make bloodseeker viable. If you started channelling it when some one is ruptured all they have to do is move a small distance, not enough for the rupture to work. If you cast bloodrite and then try to meteor hammer someone in it they will just run out of the aoe of both the rupture and bloodrite.

                                For Wraith King the meteor hammer is meant to be a midgame item that allows him to both fight/push earlier and provide farm acceleration since it allows him to meteor hammer creep camps every 30 seconds (it does 690 damage over 6 seconds. So you can very quickly accelerate your farm and push lanes quickly so you can get a faster radiance and then all the other late game items. Then once 6 slotted you just keep it in the backpack, bring it out when you want to take a tower and put it back in (or can just sell it for extra gold).


                                  Why are u not realize i am making fun of your bs wtf

                                  low prio master

                                    Murranji bro just these raindrops are only in case if you're ancient or higher, lower we still don't know what is it.