General Discussion

General DiscussionMain position

Main position in General Discussion

    Damn Im in a pickle I cant decide if I should play only carry or only offlane. I only want to play one role and I play ranked roles. How can I decide between those 2????

      burden of dreams

        Doggy style


          There is one thing that has an impact here as well. And it is the fact that slot 1 hard core role queue is much longer than the one for the offlane role. So if you have ample time, you are in a pickle, but if you don't have all day to play, go with offlane.

          I have ended up playing a lot of offlane without really making a real choice. I like the role a lot since you can play a more aggressive style with stronger early game heroes. Also this is a thing to consider, if you get your kicks out of optimizing your farming routines and hitting creeps, go safelane, but if you want to fight more and earlier, go offlane.

          Hero Pool, Play style, Queue Length... You should consider all these. And you could do 1 week of one role and then 1 week of the other one and see how you feel about them, before making that choice.


            @metsis if u watch my match history i have been switching between them and pos4 for over a year now like every week at least xd

            I just cant take it anymore and want to settle with one position...

            My winrate is best as 1 but as u said, the que time is quite long so its not ideal. My most played position is 3 and my best exact heroes are many offlaners but it just seems so boring sometimes since either u get sacked in your lane because u are solo vs harassing fucktard supports or then u win ur lane and lose late game because carries dont know how to farm :(

            Fuka suginai o nīchan

              If you dont play core you wont score *dabout*


                Pos 1 is not very popular right now my ranked roles Q time is usually 2 minutes or less for pos 1.

                The two highest ranked people I know both play position 3/4 and they have a way higher impact on the game than I do in position 1. I am more of an insurance policy if the game goes on longer while they make all the big plays early.

                61 y.o.

                  once you get old, you will regret not playing the position that you decided against