General Discussion

General Discussionofflaners

offlaners in General Discussion
smurfs = no balls

    I have gotten absolutely trash offlaners lately. How hard is it for ppl to understand that offlane is the utility core? Why is every offlaner who plays with me always going for radiance first item? I never have pipe or crimson or solar or vlads in my team... sometimes offlaner does not even have a blink... Just a fucking midas+radiance+aghs or whatever. Or then there is just a greedy offlaner like lc or a fucking magic dmg mirana or just plain carry hero like weaver.

    IF U QUE OFFLANE, PLAY OFFLANE. Dont try to be another carry or mid plz

    thank you <3


      I will continue picking lc/pango off and building damage items until the end of time

      Pale Mannie

        uuuuuhhhhhhhh but aoe damage is key to the brawling meta, sweetheart and radiance is good at that :happy:


          15 straight ranked offlane wins with centaur and sand king here. Real offlane heroes win games

          boring personality

            Legion is actually pretty strong in the offlane. The build is basi blink medallion. She lanes well vs most of the meta heroes rn because moment is op and the purge is epic


              The main purpose of offlaner is to make space and in case of carry being bullied so much (Enemy keep aiming the carry), Offlaner could act as secondary carry since a farmed offlane is big threat in early-midgame and could bully enemy carry solos. There are many ways to make space, ofc in a highly coordinated team(in tournament, party 5, high rank), an utility offlaner works best, but in pubs, Offense is the best defense, especially with many invoker/pudge/lion player. So you saying offlaner in pubs must buy utilities isn't entirely true, in fact it should be pos 4 who buy utilities, from my experience, Axe buying phase boot, vanguard, dagger, bm, and SB is a lot more useful than the one with crimson pipe, Enigma with Dagger + BKB is a lot better than the one with dominator, greaves, and pipe, or NP with orchid, drum, sb is a lot better than the one with vlad.

              Stop thinking that everyone must play according to 'role' properly in pubs games, everyone can't trust each other there, it's normal they want to be a bit 'carry' themselves. They have experienced times when the carry sucks or when the carry does well because of them but the carry said his team is useless
              imagine how many player have been reported for not playing role properly as 'hard support' but so little for 'carry' role


                I will try to be another mid fuck you


                  how ppl dare to share their opinion about dota with archon badge?

                  imagine u think u know how meta works when u have "3 year dotabuff badge" alongside "archon"


                    Your just an idiot. If you pick your offlane hero properly and build radiance on a relevant hero you can win. For example when the enemy picks an alchemist middle and a mediocre or weak safelane I go Necro and rush radiance. I usually get it 2-3 minutes after alch and it allows me to farm decent items and the radiance dumpsters their 18 minute timing push Allowing us to go late.


                      The role of every position is to win the game, everything else is window dressing

                      A good player can pick zeus offlane and win a shitton of games. Zeus dumpsters most safelanes 2v2 and scales very well. Every game there’s some knuckle-dragging mongo complaining about how we don’t have a tank or initiator or some stupid shit, then we win easily
