General Discussion

General DiscussionAbed cry baby

Abed cry baby in General Discussion

    I was watching this stream where abed smurf throw and cry like a baby, he is basically like arteezy now
    here is the link. (first game) he played alchemist
    He also played as morph and throw the game
    here is the link. (3:00:00)

    they put fentanyl in my b...

      so what


        thanks for sharing


          so what? Pro players can't complain for ex. reasons?


            morph game
            he throw for no reason, he morph tiny and started tossing teamate at enemy fountain


              At what minutes


                who fucking cares.
                you're a fucking animal.

                they put fentanyl in my b...

                  i want to thank satan for improving the community, pioneer within gaming


                    Nah man im just telling u even top player is toxic too


                      He has special place in my house

                      free mmr wen

                        i fucking hate it when trash players wonder why the better player rages


                          this is actually disgusting, holy shit. imagine being a sad manchild who play video games for your life and ruining others fun because u have nothing else to do in your life. very sad. im glad i never been a pro player and proud of my self playing in archon with people who have fun and enjoying playing the game. valve should take action against these behaviors, this is not cool.


                            thats why i came up with the strategy time break idea, it helps these crybabies get some break in intense long games and change their diaper. its hard to sit and play dotka while u pooped in your panties.


                              i cant even tell if kowa is being ironic, this forum has damaged me


                                Who else can maintain PMA for playing so many games a day. Trash talking are for kids so basically you shouldn't trash talk your team or else they will be tilted or worst throw the game. Players or Pro have feelings too. lol


                                  you couldnt say it from day one. u are STUPID. get out of my sight weeb shit.


                                    Base of what I see in the stream he's so self entitled. Just because u are 11k tss


                                      if someone 3k mmr lower than me write "nice dive" in my game, nicest thing can happen to him is tossing to enemy fountain.
                                      thats how it is buddy, i know its hard for you to understand it, but u should know your place :)


                                        Kowa if we wanted to just diss each other it would be boring, make things interesting. We’re all dumb so what. I’m a moron.

                                        Justin Weaver

                                          "even a top player is toxic too"
                                          Ever heard of Alohadance?


                                            Funny thing is, Abed is STILL the least toxic among the EG trio of cores. Compared to Arteezy and Ramzes, he’s PMA
                                            Among the ranks of pros and high level immortals, there are many more toxics. Chappie and Envy come to mind


                                              Rtz is not that toxic... Ramzes is but he used to be worse

                                              free mmr wen

                                                why in gods name would u fucking careeeeeeeeee