General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat role & hero should I play? (Also background history)

What role & hero should I play? (Also background history) in General Discussion
Λce - Diablo


    ok idk i havent played properly for a while now. Dota takes so much time and I was on a losing spree when i stopped playing regularly (and ranked altogether) now i just play turbo or event if friends invite. thats it.

    Suggest me what role should I play and what hero in that role (based on my ranked games / history / heroes, etc) if i start playing ranked again. I stopped playing ranked because if you start once, it's impossible to get out of the grind cycle that you're forced into. And whole days go to waste where you do nothing productive and just play ranked.

    I have only been playing support for the last 3-4 years. I played 5 for a long time, then I switched to 4 and gained a ton of MMR. Figured it was a better role for me to gain MMR. My most successful heroes with which I grinded alot of MMR at times were Grim, Abaddon, Shaman and Puck.

    I had (and probably still have) almost 70%-ish winrate on Puck as a support on like almost 200 games. The total winrate is lower because of the previous times when I played this hero as a core for luls. I hit divine on february 14 playing only puck, climbed from A2 to D1 in 4 days (4 ranks in 4 days). Almost 10 games on average everyday for 4 days with almost 85% winrate, all solo ranked games. After that Idk, I peaked at 4.7 then Idk what happened really. Maybe I lost a bit and didnt feel like spamming more (partly because i wasnt winning as much either) and Idk honestly. Started playing alot less frequently than before, stopped communicating in mic as frequently. Then just Idk honestly, partied more often, lost more often. spammed less often, and then just steadily started dropping MMR. Played maybe like 2 games a day, sometimes skipped a day or two or three. Anyways, long story short, I dropped to A2. I think I'm at the edge of A2 as well, if i play more I'll drop to A1 probably as well. It's been almost a month I haven't played ranked. I don't even play dota anymore. Maybe like once a week, for a turbo match. I just fortnite now. Even playing very little of that these days so yea idk. Oh I've actually been playing on a smurf these last few days. Not much, like 2-3 games per day.... Yea. i heard theres recalibration in 2-3 weeks, that true? i dont even know whats being picked these days or what the meta is. ive been so out of touch. Im not sure if i should start dota again..... I stopped ranked so i could be more productive but i havent been AS MUCH. I HAVE been more productive than I was when i was playing dota only so yea, there's that. im not sure if i should start playing again.....
    hows everyone doing, im kinda sad idk man life ?
    i was wondering whats the point of playing dota... is there like an upside for playing dota all day, i dont know man. Feels like day wasted to me but idk. maybe it idk actually.... does anyone have any good recommendation for a game that doesnt take too much of your time and is really fun....
    Have you all decided on what youre gonna do with your life and like future and stuff that youre playing this game so contentedly with no worries about life... idk im assuming somethings, maybe not yáll like that but you know tahts how most people are....
    i got a new thermal paste its mastercooler regular gel something but it hasnt helped alot. temps used togo upto 97, but they still go upto 90ish at times. idk i was expecting early-mid 80s at activity and 40ish at idle, but tis still 50-60ish at idle its crazy.
    my water bottle also fell down yesterday and the front part from where i used to open it chipped off its kinda sad, im not gonna get a new one tho, i can use this for now. also my mouse has been double clicking the left click, its logitech g102 its been working fine for like a year or 2 but now the left click, lcicks double i dont blame it tho ive dropped alot of times
    I also got this micro sd card when i went to buy the paste and i did alot of apps in my phone that i havent opened yet but the phones been slow and now the card is messing up a bit idk, i take screenshot and it says cant take ss no storage when theres tons of storage left on the card. I dont like living in a hot country. if anyone has any good tips to overcome procastrination please do drop them im need. sometimes i wonder hw much better it woudlve been if i would have medication for my bipolar, GAD, social anxiety, ptsd, ocd and adhd. Maybe even better if i didnt have them inthe first place. i wonder how life wouldve been. i dont know how much potential i couldve had or what i couldve been its kidna sad some people are born with what others have to live without their whole lives...
    it took longer to write than it looks in text cause i took alot of pauses for thinking and just absorbing thoughts its ok though
    bye guys <3


      >good recommendation for a game that doesnt take too much of your time and is really fun....

      binding of isaac, slay the spire, risk of rain 2

      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!