General Discussion

General Discussionis it normal to have losing streak after a win streak?

is it normal to have losing streak after a win streak? in General Discussion

    suddenly after having good games , there u go bunch of retards in ur team to kill ur streak and say hi to losing streak

    pissfuck shitass gaytard

      yes (is too short)


        you are 1/5/2 in your last game (its always the teams fault not yours dont worry)

        pissfuck shitass gaytard

          not like his offlane sf fed 17 kills and tinker was garbo btw

          honor guard

            yes (is too short) (2)


              Looks like your kinda spamming NS. I'd compare your last hits and first core item timings from game to game. This isn't going to tell the whole story but if those two things are continually getting worse it is likely a result of you getting tired/bored/frustrated rather than Gaben hitting you with the 50% winrate stick. Idiots in the other lanes shouldn't affect those stats too much so the laning phase is a good way to determine if your skill is slipping or its just bad luck.


                grab a coin, paper and a pen. toss the coin 100 times and write the outcome on paper yourself to see it


                  You will almost certainly see more win streaks/loss streaks in 100 matches of DOTA than 100 flips of a coin. So although pure luck/RNG could be the driving force it likely is not.


                    go on dude, i did it my self. if u compare your own match history with random number generated based on your winrate, there is literally not much difference. the results will surprise you.


                      Well "dude" I had some free time at work so I did it myself and unsurprisingly I was correct. My match history Win/Loss % was very close to the Head/Tails % of 4000 randomly generated outcomes, around 50%. This is not surprising and is expected by anyone who has completed elementary school math because we all know if you flip a coin there is a 50% chance of heads and 50% chance of tails. But we are taking about streaks here not just overall win %. This is where DOTA drastically differs from a randomly generated result.

                      Here are some streak odds when flipping a coin.

                      2 Steak: 25%
                      5 Streak: 3.1%
                      10 Streak: .09%

                      You will see that even a relatively short streak when flipping a coin becomes statistically unlikely while DOTA streaks are relatively common. When comparing my own match history with randomly generators numbers this was proven true. After randomly generating 4000 numbers 10 different times the longest streak that was produced was 12, in most cases it was around 10. Yet I've had many 10 or higher win streaks. This is because while each coin flip is independent and locked at 50% each DOTA match is NOT. For example time of day, time of week, who you group with all affect your chances of winning therefore in reality your average chance of winning is 50% but it is constantly changing form match to match. A coin toss is unaffected by these variables.


                        buddy, i dont know why u wrote 3 paragraphs explaining stuff that every kid knows, i dont really get why u even comparing your 50-50 coin with your match history. what u saying is obvious.

                        i said based on your winrate. if u have 52% winrate, go generate a binary number with 52% chance of 1 and 48% chance of 0 and length of #your_matches
                        then start counting the patterns, 0, 1, 00, 01,10, 11, 000 , 001 , ... and compare it to your real match history patterns.

                        if your current game outcome depends on the previous ones, the patterns must be repeat frequently and therefore the count of them must be different from random binary.

                        i dont remember the exact length but i think till 8 length pattern they were very close for 3k games or so (didnt check further)


                          You say I spend 3 paragraph explaining what everyone knows and then proceed to prove you don't know what your talking about.

                          "then start counting the patterns, 0, 1, 00, 01,10, 11, 000 , 001 , ... and compare it to your real match history pattern"

                          Did this and my match history has much longer streaks, will stop at three sentences this time since apparently you are incapable of learning.


                            care to share the results or you are just another uneducated kid trying to impress other morons on online forums?


                              Why share results when you can test it yourself in about 10 seconds in excel. Assuming you have at least high school level computer skills...

                              Use this formula to determine the longest streak of repeating cells.
                              = MAX ( FREQUENCY ( IF ( result = "1" , times ) , IF ( result = "1" , 0 , times ) ) )

                              Where "result" is your range of randomly generated numbers and "times" is a range counting iterations.
                              Use RANDBETWEEN to randomly generate a 1 or 0 and every time you make a change in a the spreadsheet a new number will generate.

                              I used 4000 cells for this to roughly match my total matches played. From there you can keep generating 4000 new outcomes and see the longest streak. You will quickly find that it is very hard to produce a streak much longer than about 12 which isn't unsurprising since .5^12 is a rather small % chance. This is drastically different than dota. You quickly start seeing that streaks in dota are different than streaks from tossing a coin even though the overall win/loss % is similar.


                                " ...after having good games , there u go bunch of retards in ur team.."

                                yeah like i instalock pos 3 ns there some people be picking another offlaner / carry and fed. im not that tired but true, this shit tilted me when they keep feeding after that bad draftng phase and i tried not to die too much but still dying more than 1 anyway since they fed the enemies making them fat. and those bunch of throwers are always in team whenever i had a winstreak. its odd like , i dont really deserve 60% winrate? so this is how balance the matchmaking is :/


                                  (its always the teams fault not yours dont worry)

                                  pepehands i dont say its always my teams fault, its a bit of my fault as well but why ------------------- i keep getting worse teammate.


                                    Well there are several factors, that can cause a lossstreak after a winstreak and vice versa.

                                    If you lose one game horribly, because someone acts like a complete moron, chances are high that you tilt.

                                    I recently lost 2 games in a row. First game because of 2 ppl not playing their role. 2. game mid gave fb and left. On other days, I would have pressed the green button once again. Chances were rly high, that I would have raged at my future teammates for the slightest mistakes. Reason:

                                    I was tilted.

                                    So I stopped playing, took a shower, ate something and played after this break. I won the next 4 games in a row. I won 20 out of my last 22 matches. If you look at my history:

                                    I had a huge lossstreak before that. Because I kept playing while tilted.


                                    Behav.score is a huge factor. The impact of behav.score changed dramatically compared to what it was 2 years ago. I came back after a long break and dropped from 4.5k MMR to 3k MMR. I could not figure out, why this game was throwing morons at me.

                                    I was mechanically out of shape after a long break and did not get the meta. I told ppl what they were doing wrong. PPl reported me for that and the matchmaking gave me other toxic players as mates. So we downwardspiraled and tilted each other. Im pretty prone to tilt and I kept losing.

                                    Losing games is also a pretty good statistical occurance for getting reported. Ppl rarley report their mates, when theywin a game. If you lose a game, chances are allready high, that some of your teammembers will report others. If you are the one, that kept yelling at them ingame, guess whos gonna get the report?

                                    I figured out that its better to play with dorky guys that are nice than with mechanically blessed guys that are assholes. Beeing a nice and calm guy is a huge asset in dota. Dota is a teamgame. You win as a team you lose as a team. Changing this is pretty "easy" and a huge step to win more.

                                    Critizing teammates has rarley a good outcome. Some dude just saying: "Wow you are right, im gonna stop making that mistake", is just not going to happen. Instead he will rage at you. So just accept that your teammates will make horrible mistakes. Fix your attitude towards that. You have to accept what u can't change. And you can't change how your teammates approach the game. You will most likley not see them again. So why even bother. Chatting with them also takes away your and their focus on the game: Your Chances to lose increase.

                                    If you keep losing enough, your mmr drops. Games are getting easier to win. You win, you are in a good mood. You win the next, your mood keeps getting better. Thats how winningstreaks happen.


                                    You tilt, thats why you have losingstreaks. You drop hard, games get easy, you enjoy winning= Winningstreak.

                                    Its psychology, not gaben forcing you to 50%. My rule of thumb: I lose 2 games in a row, I stop playing for at least 1 hour.


                                      Yes it's more likely, after say a 10 win streak you are 300MMR higher. Odds of you losing are higher as a result.

                                      Just noticed this was a brand new account you were referring to so in this case make that 300 MMR and make it 900MMR.


                                        even though the overall win/loss % is similar.

                                        so you are saying this as a conclusion. i dont know what to say, if u think everybody overall winrate is 50% like a coin, well thats an opinion i guess :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:
                                        the longest streaks are irrelevant. its not about what is your longest streak, its about how frequent a special pattern happens.

                                        dota in terms of matchmaking is a very good random, the only constant variable is you and as long as you are not bragging sth from your last game to the next one, literally each game is like tossing a coin, independent.


                                          Yes it's more likely, after say a 10 win streak you are 300MMR higher. Odds of you losing are higher as a result.
                                          yeah but odds are not that different so u go on lose streak, its not like u had 90% chance of winning today and the next day cause u gained 300 mmr u suddenly cant win and your chance for winning is 10%.

                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                            Enforced 50% winrate

                                            YRORT TASJ AS

                                              Korareta cannot even understand the situation correctly.

                                              Did this guy even finish high school?