General Discussion

General DiscussionSorry, I Did a Mistake

Sorry, I Did a Mistake in General Discussion

    Sorry, I did a mistake as a carry but please... Can you fucking stop insulting me, what do you want from me? I already said sorry for the tenth times already and you keep calling me noob and account buyer just stop please gosh. I don't want to mute you because we are teammate and we should be friend and not be enemy. What? Don't you hear what I said? We are teammate! And yet, you still insulting me? FUCK OFF, I'M ABANDONING THIS GAME. FUCK EVERYONE.

    pic unrelated


      Babe, i'm breaking up with you. it's not you, you were poggers. it's me, i'm omegalul. im sorry if this is pepehands but it has to be done, i've just been feeling pepega and our relationship has been weirdchamp for months, it's time to end it, no kappa.


        Well Played!


          but u abandoned after writing this, not before
          im confused like the image u tried to send


            As a fellow carry I am very disappointed in your actions LegnedaryHD. Us carries work hard day in and day out to reinforce the dogma that carries DO NOT and CAN NOT make mistakes. Any mistakes that appear to be made by a carry was the direct result of a previous mistake made by a support (see for more information). By abandoning a match you have effectively taken blame as a carry players which is an embarrassment to us all. The correct protocol in this situation is one of two things.

            1. Continually feed and blame supports for your terrible K/D
            2. AFK jungle farm and blame supports for your terrible Net Worth

            Abandoning should never be considered as an option. Flame and blame is the way of the carry.


              @Price this copypasta is gold. Nice find.


                well huskar is one of the worst carries. I remember him playing 1 time as carry and oh, gosh i suck so much with him. He have 45 base dmg or so and i cant even last hit with him. I dont know how pro players last hit at all...


                  Nowadays I only pick huskar as a counter to LD. Seems kind of off meta currently. When it comes to last hitting it is essentially impossible to out last hit someone so you have to out harass them then take free farm. The enemy CS advantage will quickly be spent on regen. Kind of same strategy as people who do shit like Sky mid.

                  You can also stack one or two burning spears then time a last hit with the flame damage similar to timing last hits with a viper nethertoxin for example.