General Discussion

General DiscussionRecalibration

Recalibration in General Discussion
Lord Somerset

    I chose to recalibrate my mmr. I climbed through the entire crusader rank with a 66% win rate playing position 5 hard support only. Got to archon 1 from herald 5. I want to know how much you gain for a win in the 10 recalibration games. If I win 7 out of 10 for instance what will the mmr gain be? I generally play unranked in South Africa but felt like improving my medal on EU West server.

    mute all

      60/75 mmr per game..

      Lord Somerset

        So it's like ranked double down? No big swing for win streaks or good performance.

        Lord Somerset

          Okay well I went 6-4 and gained 130mmr. So you were right!


            if they knew how to measure performance, or give a damn shit about it, they wouldnt give winning team mvp every time :)