General Discussion

General DiscussionHow kill huskar with meepo?

How kill huskar with meepo? in General Discussion
MinusM98 | report mid

    Hello guys , i spam meepo and really i know how to kill all heroes aspect huskar! Really huskar so anoying and he always kill me. My friend is pro huskar play and he kill me 2 time under min 10 with huskar if i dont go jungle. But this time in rank i saw noob huskar player and i killed he 3 time before mine 15 with meepo (lmao). But again its got so hard to kill he and we couldn't and we lost the game because of huskar. Any strategic for killing huskar with meepo? Really i dont know how smurfs always win (lol)( sorry for my bad english)

    mute all

      why do u even want to kill him when you can farm faster..kill him later when you got item advantage against him.. winning the lane doesnt always mean that you need to kill your enemy heroes in lane.. against hard lane you need to shove the lane as fast as you can then go clear at least one jungle camp..

      ЭЩ ЭЩ ЭЩ

        i usually buy hallebard vs huskar. It works. Also u can buy fast hex( after e blade and blink)


          The above 2 comments show the clear contrast between 1k vs 5k approach to game.

          5k guy: Push the lane, outfarm the huskar and fight him when you have item advantage.

          1k guy: Just rush halberd/hex and you kill him.


          adapt or die (PING ONLY)

            you stay away from huskar. huskar wants you to fight him


              Both 5k guy and 1k guy will get butt raped by Huskar cause that hero is broken

              casual gamer

                stay in fog until he disarm then jump him

                then buy hex and huskar's game over


                  The guy with 19 meepo games and 30% win rate last played 5 fucking years ago giving advice, mf if somene picks huskar and you picked meepo you better have your teammates carry the shit out of you cause u won't have that hex before he thrones you.

                  casual gamer

                    if u cant farm blink eb hex before u get throned u literally must have no han ds


                      I played this matchup more times then you played Meepo and Huskar together, this is worst matchup for meepo in this patch period the shard works through disables, you can't do anything on lane, you lose tower early, Huskar 9/10 times gets rosh over Meepo. Its just terrible, oh here comes genuis with his Hex on Meepo taking over all safe farm on the map cause u can't do shit vs Huskar all game, bout to hex a Huskar with an SnY for half a second and then get shit fucked back to the stone age, and what if they have any of the common Huskar combos with dispel/save, or even just a lotus, or even just one Aoe stun for when you go in with your genius hex.

                      casual gamer

                        good talk




                            5k animal talking shit about another 5k animal
                            its funny how braindead u are no matter how much time u spent stomping archons on midlane.
                            imagine thinking tinker is not broken and huskar is. literal animal
                            only broken thing about huskar is his aghs, and he wont farm it on min 17-20 unlike tinker.
                            the hero is dogshit even with massive heal + regen i give him with chen

                            casual gamer

                              i only play balanced heroes like beastmaster and dawnbreaker :thinking:


                                yeah, very pog. some heroes getting their aghs on min 17 and get broken. one has it since min 0 cause the aghs is not released yet
                                valve logic
                                what a pogchamp design. aghs on tinker huskar beast. shard on ursa pl.
                                on chen tho, the aghs is even worse than domi 2. very pogchamp


                                  Idk about you but I'm 6k animal, there is difference, maybe you are 5k animal? If Tinker is so broken why don't u go spam him instead of being a Mek.


                                    hello guys, why im not spamming tinker with 140 ping and 40 fps, can somebody help this animal figure it out??? very hard question for special kids
                                    and if i could, im amazed how could u come up with the most childish response ever. WHY NOT YOUR SELF DOING IT THEN??? WHY NOT EVERY BODY SPAM IO ALCHEMIST TA TINKER LIKE ME TO KEEP THEIR UNRANKED DOGSHIT BADGE??? WHY NOT EVERYBODY LAST PICK BRAINDEAD HERO???

                                    if u are played with me A LOT OF TIMES, u are same mmr as me. so st fu about being a 6k animal. ur the same dog, even worse


                                      my mmr is over 6k why would I call myself 5k animal with over 1000 mmr above 5k. U think these heroes are braindead and OP cause u don't even play them and never see what its like to be countered to shit, wonder why u don't flame my Lycan or Beast literally my most played and highest win rate heroes lmao


                                        so u are the 16 y/o braindead dog??? :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:
                                        "YOUNG KID"

                                        Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                          Dota is 5v5 game. Avoid fighting Huskar if posible and play around him with your team. That mf is easy to nuke with disables


                                            i mean you can outfarm huskar but tbh i think huskar rices well this patch and scales well and counters meepo with the disarm p hard. idk what items u get on meepo that actually solve the inner fire problem is the thing.


                                              Huskar is a food for ur late carry. So the best u can get is, be patient, farm faster than him (Even archon know huskar doesnt had flash farming ability). Buy dagger. Apply pressure by ganking their off or safelane. But i rather choose to gank offlaner because not many people, expecially a support will die protecting their offlaner instead their carry (I know because im the main offlaner myself). Done, you just control the map. Just need a bit more time for ur carry to make huskar their own food

                                              gargle my semen

                                                Good huskar trash on meepo in every stage of the game, you have chance very early game (lvl4) with help of your support


                                                  Huskar just needs armlet to farm and u rush it first item every game, and unless that’s literally the only item you have, I don’t see a single item that meepo can buy that solves the aoe disarm issue. You can’t buy bkb or anything like that, your only shot is bursting him with silver edge and hex/bloodthorn (I think he can’t do inner fire while silenced with shard, he can just do it while stunned but I could be wrong). But if ur hero needs like 11k gold of items to just have the possibility to make it ok then the matchup is p dogshit. Huskar will probably beat u at the rosh pit and have aegis, he is often paired with save heroes, he applies a lot of mid game pressure with his 3 item timing usually, and I don’t think u ever reasonably have enough net worth on meepo to really challenge huskar.

                                                  I think the best bet would to just avoid huskar in fights and focus his teammates and whatnot.


                                                    Had a meepo smurf against a huskar smurf in my game and the huskar ended up shitting on all of us. Even though meepo got 3-4 kills on him in the early stages later on huskar just literally ran over us. Meepo is currently trash tier hero and huskar is stronger so in short ya can’t do shit. Just roll over and die if you have no counters



                                                      Isn’t meepos new shard mega good for farming or smth? Not a meepo player tho so idk the state of the hero tbh


                                                        Just don't play meepo, it's a trash hero


                                                          If you struggle so hard playing Meepo into Huskar how about, you'know, don't pick Meepo? Or just ban Huskar. Simples.