General Discussion

General DiscussionDota died?

Dota died? in General Discussion

    Made a new account and no games to be found at all... this game is completely dead now?

    Gobber Tull

      Same, takes me like 30-60min to find a game queing all roles...


        Why did u ake a new acc

        Pale Mannie

          you are too gud


            Made new account cuz im at like 0 behavior score on this and don't feel like trying to get it higher. I wanted to play with my friend without the 40 mins search times but game is garbage so probably won't come back to it.

            Slim Shady

              I find games within a minute ranked and unranked

              sexy rose~

                I find games even in safe role, less than 3-4 min. (10K behavior)


                  Maybe it's new accounts then, must be nobody new and it's hard to match. It's alright though I already deleted the game after I wasted 1 hour searching for a game, finding 3 and everygame was a disconnect leaver where it was safe to leave. Pretty sure the game is way beyond its prime and finally dead, since I remember like 3 years ago it was easily 1 or 2 minute searches.

                  Аня Тейлор-Джой

                    Always has been....

                    pinoy supp0rt

                      Yep game is completely dead. Typical free to play moba 99% of player pool are poverty filth trash and their smurf accounts, meanwhile Valve is overcharging the remaining 1% loyal paying customers for some half baked shitshow battle pass


                        Dead gaem for new accounts, alive for old 👹


                          @FL yup thats what it looks like.
                          In my new account every game there was a smurf on enemy or my team. I'm just glad I wrekt that smurfing 3 stack hard in my 2nd game. 41k gold, 80k dmg, they wasn't ready or expecting another smurf boy to be on the opposite team. Then next game I carried em for the win, but I realized it's boring even while winning because waiting 40 mins to find a game to meet smurfs isn't fun. I can only imagine the opposing team of scrubs going up against us 3 smurfs...all bad it was a huge stomp and that's not fun at all.


                            it is smurf detection buddy, when u make new acc u are in smurf pool and play with other smurfs cause u are not new to the game.
                            if u dont like to play against smurfs just play on your main why u even making a new account


                              Cuz i was at 0 behavior score, got it to 1500 and said screw it I don't play enough to make it higher. Low score is 1 hr search times, new account in the green. Problem solved.


                                dude if u make new acc ur behavior score carried into it, thats why u cant find any games on new accs. u are 0k behavior on them
                                u can queue turbo normal on your main, now for cavern a lot of ppl doing it and u can find games faster, but yeah it takes like 150 turbo games to fix the behavior score to 7k+

                                Kabir Singh's Booster

                                  1. format your PC and don't forget to save files u really need. 2. play dota and boom, ez 9k-10k behavior, ez fast queue and no smurf detection on your ass. Valve is not even trying, smurf detection is literally delete-able in form of files on your PC, I just don't know exactly which ones. Trust me no bullshit this 100% works.


                                    I think I'm good with a PC format, I actually didn't want to play dota that much, I feel like I got to being as good as I wanted to be before. I thought I'd help my bro out but it's too much pain in the butt at this point. Thanks for the advice though, I didn't know it carries over to new accounts, but its weird because what if I made that new steam account of a different computer and then use my regular one...

                                    Pimp Jong Un

                                      it's quite a feat to get your behavior score to 0. My queues range from a few seconds to 20 min top for ranked games depending on the time of day. Usually in the 3-4 min mark.



                                        It's an accomplishment of sorts, idk anyone with 0, took a long time to do. Getting to 3000 was easy and fast though but after that it takes a decent amount of trolling(reports) and abandons. Plus u get muted around 3k I think and it's harder to trigger people.


                                          Pretty sure behav score transfers to your alt accs


                                            I have a hard time believing that, if I take a 2nd laptop and create an account at my friends house. Different email, MAC, IP, how will it even know? If I log into that account from my regular computer I don't think it will matter. But that sounds like too much work for a game I'm not gonna play.