just save items force , glimmer , shard , eather lens those are core items for mid/lategame dazzle and then u can grab litteraly anything euls hex or any other active item cuz its op on 50% cd reductions
just save items force , glimmer , shard , eather lens those are core items for mid/lategame dazzle and then u can grab litteraly anything euls hex or any other active item cuz its op on 50% cd reductions
Hey hey people,
during my last couple of dazzle matches I´m wondering if it is worth grabing the holy locked over something like aghs.
Usually I go something like mana boots, medalion, mek. After I usually upgrade either the mek and/or the medalion.
After that, depending on the game of course, I run into the question of holy locked or aghs to boost my healing output.
Upgrading to holy locked (I already have the stick) is another 2k gold, half an aghs.
In my last game i went the hoply locked route but not really sold yet on the investment. Dunno, but the build up to holy locket is meh. Dont like the 800g blue ball just to get my 30%heal buff.
Anyone wanne weigh in?