General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Sniper that dependant on supports?

Is Sniper that dependant on supports? in General Discussion

    My laning stage as Sniper always goes silky smooth. In mid-game I feel great too. But when my support Snapfire goes Rambo and buys Deso instead of Agh and the enemy realizes that I am the real threat, they throw everything on me and of course I get eliminated at the beginning of the fight. How can I play to NOT depend on the supports' saving me?

    похуй мне)

      Well, I guess you should learn how to choose correct position in fights + show where you are after enemy team starts to focus offlane or other initiator

      похуй мне)

        Also if enemy team have heroes to ruin your position, you need to buy items for escape like pike or something

        похуй мне)

          Just watch your last replays to figure out how you could survive


            Funny how every reasonable advice finishes with "watch your replay"


              dont pick sniper cuz its a shit hero, or just work on positioning, maybe buy swift blink vs non instant disables what else can u do, its a creep that hits hard from long range obviously if u get jumped and there is no save u will die.


                sniper rn is kinda busted

                ROAD TO HERALD 0

                  With mobile heroes like SB and Ember being picked so often, you die quickly when multiple enemies focus on you, and there's very little you can do to outplay with this hero once you are within the enemy's range. Unless you are way better than your rank and can learn exactly how near/far to position yourself in fights or when pushing, just pick Medusa if you want to play an AFK clicking high damage ranged creep. At least you can still turn and fight if enemies jump you lmao

                  another day in paradise


                    '96 Neve Campbell

                      Its easy to say that sniper is not dependent on supports if you are a crusader yes. In actual dota most people with half a brain will go out their way to punish people who pick sniper though, even through rotation or through drafting heroes with good catch. Its a good pub stomp hero in lower ranks because players arent smart or coordinated enough to punish you, but picking sniper in anything over 3k in a carry role is practically a free loss imo, the hero needs a fuck ton of babysitting to farm the necessary defensive items to be useful (pike, blink. etc) by which point the other team will be all over you if they are decent. Sniper as a pos 4 however is pretty strong atm, the hero has good aoe slows and damage, a cheap escape with his shard, and his aghs is one of the best initiating tools in the game.


                        why parmaviolets not being toxic, bring back old parma

                        '96 Neve Campbell

                          No. Old parma stupid and problematic.


                            picking sniper in anything over 3k in a carry role is practically a free loss imo
                            But I'm in 1700 MMR

                            another day in paradise

                              sniper carry free mmr

                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                But I'm in 1700 MMR

                                I am looking at your 5 most recent sniper games on your profile now and they tell me everything I need to know tbh

                                Firstly NEVER pick Sniper as a pos 1 safe lane carry. Sniper should only be played in the mid lane if you want to be a core. Sniper does not carry the game unless he snowballs hard early in the game which is simply impossible from the safe lane, you MUST play mid where there is more farm and where you can get your level 6 early in the game and rotate. Also playing in the safe lane literally makes you more susceptible to ganks than playing in the mid lane where you are never far from your tower.

                                Secondly, you do not seem to consider the opponent's draft when you pick. I see games where you have picked sniper into an unfavourable matchup against heros which have the ability to punish you. You always seem to last pick Sniper but what is the point in picking him into a Tinker which will kill you easily (especially when you dont even build a bkb lol), or a kunkka (again no bkb), or a disruptor, lion and sf combo (again no bkb!!!!!!!) which brings me onto the final thing which is easy to see just from a summary of these games...

                                Your itemisation is absolutely atrocious, how can you play Sniper into tinker, or kunkka, or heros with powerful disables like Lion, Dark Willow, Jakiro and Disruptor and not purchase a bkb? It isn't like you can claim you lack farm either, in the Tinker game you have enough money for a satanic and an mkb but for some reason you chose to prioritise both those items over a cheaper one which would give you more survivability. In one of your games you even have a mithril hammer in your backpack for some reason (1600 gold) which I presume may have been the start of a bkb, which you just dont bother building for some reason, either that or it was a mispurchased hammer for your desolator, which is equally as bad, since you did not fix ur mistake by building it into a useful item or even selling it for 800 gold. In one of your more recent games where you lost against shadow demon, drow and magnus. etc you built an mkb, for what? Does the other team have evasion? I don't think so? In all of these games you build a desolator, why? Does desolator provide you with survivability? Is desolator a farming item? What use does the slightly added damage of having a desolator bring when you die instantly in fights and you can't farm quickly because you have no stats. I wouldn't build a desolator on sniper, and a quick look at the 'pro builds' suggests they dont either, I do not see a single build where someone thought to buy a desolator, cause its a garbage item that doesn't provide sniper with what he needs.

                                Just looking at a summary of your games suggests that you don't know where to play sniper, you don't know what to build on sniper, and that you do not respond to your opponents. How can you expect to win and not be dependent on supports when you make these mistakes?


                                  I've just recently started playing carry. I pick Sniper because it's a one-button braindead hero. I'm afraid to go to somewhat more sophisticated heroes like AM, Terrorblade or Medusa. Yeah, I shouldn't have ignored BKB in almost every match as carry Sniper. And I totally agree that I shouldn't pick him on pos 1 especially on this MMR where most support like to imagine that they're some kind of Rambo. Why I prefer Deso is that with it I can melt down towers real quick, but I agree, why you need a tower-melting item when you can't stay alive. Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate

                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                    Sniper is not a braindead hero, I actually consider it to be a difficult hero to play for the reasons I stated earlier, positioning is mega important on this hero, more so than almost any other carry, and he needs to be able to farm defensive items to be effective. If you are looking for a genuinely braindead core to play where you can just stomp id recommend picking Juggernaut, Ursa or Phantom Assassin tbh. Ursa and PA especially only need one or two items to be effective and have more durability than Sniper. Also I dont see how you can list Medusa as a complicated hero to play when its practically the simplest hero in the game.


                                      @Bick Dig Yo let me play on your account I climbed from Herald 1 and my max was some over 6k Ima climb you to Archon with Sniper deal? U can learn ez from the replay its not hard.


                                        @Bick Dig Yo let me play on your account I climbed from Herald 1 and my max was some over 6k Ima climb you to Archon with Sniper deal? U can learn ez from the replay its not hard.

                                        another day in paradise

                                          lol you ruskies deserve it all... you ppl ruin EU games all the time


                                            Cant relate I always liked smurfs cause I would watch their replays of how they owned games in my bracket then applied it myelf, literally best learning resources if u wanna climb and get better especially at sub 3k, the winning is super easy there if u put any effort.

                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                              Cant relate I always liked smurfs cause I would watch their replays of how they owned games in my bracket then applied it myelf, literally best learning resources if u wanna climb and get better especially at sub 3k, the winning is super easy there if u put any effort.

                                              This. Most smurfs who stomp in crusader games are average run of the mill 3-4k players anyway you just have to apply yourself to play like they do. The actually high mmr smurfs play gamey shit like Visage exclusively in low mmr pub games.


                                                Cant relate I always liked smurfs cause I would watch their replays of how they owned games in my bracket then applied it myelf, literally best learning resources if u wanna climb and get better especially at sub 3k, the winning is super easy there if u put any effort.
                                                I don't care. I just want to win and lose games with those who are in MY SKILL BRACKET.


                                                  In order to really learn how a hero operates, you should first pick it multiple times and see what the enemy picks against it. Then when you are last picking, you see what against you shouldn't pick it against... Sniper has really hard time against heroes that have the ability to jump you. Unfortunately the higher the game goes, these mobile heroes become more and more common and thus Sniper's efficiency is rather limited the higher you get. BKB can help, but it is a reactionary item... Basically when you need to have it on, it might already be too late. Linken's Sphere does work against certain Sniper counters too (Spirit Breaker), but in general you cannot build Sniper a total glass cannon, you will eventually be jumped and you have to have durability to withstand that first wave of the incoming traffic the enemy has to offer. Hurrican Pike, Satanic, BKB, Manta all increase your durability or ability to get away from your bullies, even the odd Shadow Blade (Silver Edge) can help too.

                                                  Basically, as a Sniper, you cannot be jumped or you will die. And the longer the game goes, the more further back you have to stay even if you don't have direct counters, people with half a brain do know that the Sniper is three screens away right clicking away as their team is melting. And this is your goal. Positioning is key... Like for any channeling ability hero (Witch Doc, CM etc.). Often in the late game, as a Sniper, you do bring a lot of damage into the fight, but if you get jumped that damage is off the table, you need to hide and come in the second or third wave into the fight to make maximum impact when the enemy has wasted a good deal of their spells on the team tank and are focused on killing on what's in front of them and don't have time to focus on the naughty Sniper sitting in the trees out of view dealing absolute horror show level damage.


                                                    have you ever seen Ursa jump 6 hit a sup die :laugh: :lick: