General Discussion

General DiscussionBought this acc at guardian 1 about a month ago get fucked low skills...

Bought this acc at guardian 1 about a month ago get fucked low skills!!!! in General Discussion



      Well looks like you lost to smurf in battle cup so ... no comment.


        Divine 3 … no comment


          based, make those low mmr muslims pay


            I mean, you're not improving at the game by playing vs low mmr players. I don't see the point

            '96 Neve Campbell

              I mean, you're not improving at the game by playing vs low mmr players. I don't see the point

              It does demonstrate that lower brackets are easy, despite claims that there is an enforced 50% winrate or that low mmr is impossible to escape

              asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...



                  @parmaviolets yeah I understand that, but if someone is Guardian rank, they don't have enough understanding of the game to climb. So acting like playing in Guardian games and stomping seems kinda childish lmao


                    50% wr at legend is even more childish..


                      Guardian: It’s impossible to rank up and winrate ends up forced to 50% due to smurfs in my bracket.

                      Smurf: I play in guardian all the time and have no problem ranking up I don’t know what your talking about.


                        ^and you being crusader after 7h hours



                          asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...



                              and my last match was against a Divine 2 Ursa. Roughly 2 out of 10 matches has an obvious smurf mid. Very low account level. Very high winrate. Very high streaks on heroes. In most cases they play like a legend/ancient. But you get the divines and immortals every once in a while.

                              So let’s say I play 10 games. 2 are auto loss due to smurf mid. This leaves 8 games left. Let’s say I go 5-3, a positive winrate of 62.5%.

                              We now factor in the two auto losses resulting in a record of 5-5, an even winrate of 50%.

                              This is what people mean by forced 50%. It is very real.

                              I’m not complaining though. All the smurfs in Crusader now allow me to queue with my ancient and divine friends and I can often have the lane result in a draw if the enemy doesn’t pick a hero they are very familiar with. Often times they accuse me of smurfing because they can’t understand how they aren’t stomping a Crusader as a divine. But I play against divine daily in Crusader.

                              At the end of the day MMR doesn’t really matter. Firstly there are too many smurfs, account buyers, or people being boosted to really trust most people’s MMR. Secondly MMR is only a snap shot of the skill level of your current play style. If you’ve played 3-5 heroes mid for years then decide to learn support heroes you’ve never played before of course your MMR is going to drop. Does this mean your are a worse player? Certainly not since you are expanding your knowledge of the game.

                              At the end of the day you might as well just have fun and try your best against who ever you verse. But to say forced 50% isn’t real would be to say that smurfs aren’t real. It isn’t some secret algorithm that Gaben is running it is simply the existence of smurfs that force 50%.

                              In reality they actually force below 50% since for a smurf to climb from 1k to 8k other players have to collectively to lose 7k MMR which is hardly 50%.


                                Man shut the fuck up trying to justify you being below average at the game yet having 7k hours which is WAY above average time played, you might simply just be mentally challenged or disabled in some way, which is totally fine.

                                If nobody was retarded nobody would use the word :-)


                                  mate you realise that smurfs can be on your team not just the enemy team, so aswell as getting "auto losses" youll get "auto wins", also if you can draw even with these divines in party queue, why is beating them in your ranked games so difficult?

                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                    What a cope. Smurfs exist on both sides of the game, they are on you team and the enemy team and the truth is that if you and your team are so bad that you cant compete then crusader is a reflection of your skill level.


                                      There are 4 randoms on your team.

                                      There are 5 randoms on the other team.

                                      Therefore the odds of getting a smurf on your team are automatically at a disadvantage.

                                      Then there is the fact that most smurfs play pos 2 or to a lesser extent pos 1. Therefore if you spam these positions you are greatly decreasing the chances of getting a smurf on your team.

                                      Really not terribly hard to understand. Not a matter of coping just a matter of statistical analysis with a little bit of logical reasoning.


                                        It seems hard for u to understand is that a smurf is just a person like u that was once not good at this game but has the ability to process information and improve better then u. Ok maybe complain about this stuff at 7k bracket (not even then lmao) but imagine playing 6100 ranked matches, being Crusader, and still spewing bullshit like this to excuse ur inability to learn basic shit in something u spend so much time on.


                                          That’s like putting Lebron James in a highschool basketball match and telling the kids “he was a person just like you who was once not good at the game”.

                                          The point is if this person processes information better and improves faster.. why are they still in my match? Why am I expected to climb rank verses Lebron James? When Lebron James didn’t have to verse Michael Jordan in highschool.

                                          That’s the point. Most of these smurfs learned the game almost a decade ago against fair competition.

                                          Set down the copium mr smurf your not some super human because you can beat people in a game you’ve likely played for 5 times longer over the course of 20 different accounts.

                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                            Really not terribly hard to understand. Not a matter of coping just a matter of statistical analysis with a little bit of logical reasoning.

                                            This doesnt change the fact that you are crusader after 6000 games and yet you are still incapable of competing with smurfs as I said, play for fun, stop carinng about mmr cause u arent destined to be higher mmr if you are crusader after 6000 games. Either radically change how you play or accept that crusader is your rank and enjoy yourself instead of playing some stupid blame game cause every few dozen games there is a smurf in your lobby. They exist in every rank, the handicap is the same for absolutely everyone. You get smurfs in low rank, you get account buyers in higher ranks idk what you expect.


                                              I’ve been as high as Legend III I’m back in Crusader because I’m expanding my hero pool. Realistically it takes years to develop a large enough hero pool to compete at a high mmr as the meta changes. Currently I don’t really care about gaining mmr just learning heroes. But it’s become painfully obvious that most of my competition is not the same rank as I am. As I’ve said before I don’t really care because I just like learning the game. It’s just so strange people deny the fact smurfs exist and deny the fact that a smurf makes the game harder to rank up in.


                                                No its like ur that kid Jimmy that eats grass on the soccer field and the coach keeps telling u to get up and try to kick the ball in the square thing with the net u mongol

                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                  I’ve been as high as Legend III I’m back in Crusader because I’m expanding my hero pool. Realistically it takes years to develop a large enough hero pool to compete at a high mmr as the meta changes. Currently I don’t really care about gaining mmr just learning heroes. But it’s become painfully obvious that most of my competition is not the same rank as I am. As I’ve said before I don’t really care because I just like learning the game. It’s just so strange people deny the fact smurfs exist and deny the fact that a smurf makes the game harder to rank up in.

                                                  Literally all cope. The best players have a tiny hero pool, you master 2-5 heros, smurfs dont have large hero pools they play the same few mid heros on rotation. Also nobody is denying smurfs exist, we saying that if they make it SO much harder for you to rank up that it holds back your rank then you clearly belong in a low mmr. Most smurfs are transient 3-5k players who make random ass accounts in the hope of escaping the 3k trench, I can't imagine you see actual high mmr players barely ever, like maybe once in a 100 games there might be a divine or an immortal on the other team. If you really think you are legend iii then you wouldnt be getting utterly fucked by 3ks on smurfs.


                                                    I'm actually a true Guardian 2 player, and I got to Archon just 2 months after getting my ranked games got unlocked lol


                                                      I'm Currently 3.5k mmr, I have seen Smurfs in my games. Mostly I would assume they are around High Ancient - Low Divine. The highest MMR smurf I have ran into was a 6k player , around rank 1800 NA. You can beat these smurfs if you convince your team to make smoke ganks on the smurf player and kill them and take objectives. If you are stuck at Crusader it's cause you need to learn the game. Crusaders core players only know how to do 1 thing, hit creeps.


                                                        5 times my playtime )), buddy if u win 20 games in a row on a smurf acc u will never play with someone below 6k even in unranked.

                                                        reported muted banned

                                                          I'm starting to think these kind of arguments are just due to some kind of misunderstanding;

                                                          Yes, the system keeps you at forced 50 % winrate at 2.5 k if you keep playing at that skill level and dont improve

                                                          So in a sense people who say the system is rigged are partially right

                                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                                            If you have a 50% winrate it means that is ur mmr until u improve it isnt rocket science
