General Discussion

General DiscussionPos 4 puck

Pos 4 puck in General Discussion
wisp core

    Puck pos 4 is pretty good, how would you build it in the real world?

    '96 Neve Campbell

      u dont cause pos 4 puck is fucking trash

      asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...



          Puck does not provide healing, stun, or slow in the early game, unlike other supports. I think it ends up being a burden rather than useful.

          another day in paradise

            I think puck pos4 is definitely viable, not as good as it used to be but ok.

            Good harass in lane, and quite a mobile and annoying hero afterwards. Just push waves that cores ain't farming and join fights with your ult. When you have your aghs, most heroes have no way of escaping and your cores can just kill them.

            When I played it long time ago, I always went boots, eul, blink, aghs. I think that build should still be good today. Tranquils if you need a bit of healing, otherwise you can upgrade to treads if you are auto attacking a lot. I never built any damage items, but I guess if you are snowballing hard you can go for dagon or something :)


              rush midas


                I recommend rush blink after arcane boots, bcz all you ned after 10 min is good set up for your ulti. If you starts with eul, than ur blink will be late.


                  If you Pick puck pos 4 you will send back to Herald town :laugh:


                    If you Pick anything other than Ursa you will send back to

                    Herald town


                      My Axe is at Ancient rank. And My Ursa is at Immortal rank. But My Puck live in Herald town :laugh:

                      another day in paradise

                        ur ursa is damn herald town

                        '96 Neve Campbell

                          Ursa offlane new meta