General Discussion

General Discussiongood entry-level informational content?

good entry-level informational content? in General Discussion


    I've been trying to find videos or other short "primers" of sorts for heroes, or current situations - like what the meta values currently and why it values them, how to play into it, what each role wants to try and accomplish currently and how they generally go about it, meta snapshots describing who's good now and why and how they leverage their strengths, that sorta thing. Haven't really had much luck at all - whenever Jenkins uploads a tier list or a main-channel video, those are good, but the main-channel videos tend to cover unorthodox strategies (offlane AM, etc), and the tierlists never manage to go over every role within the given patch, don't go over each hero comprehensively enough (both of which are understandable, good god this game patches frequently), and never cover more abstract stuff like the state of the meta itself like I outlined in the first sentence.

    Any good recommendations?

    PotM of the Sun

      ZQuixotix puts out support-oriented tier lists and tries to highlight top tier supports.
      BSJ puts out general meta content and the occasional hero guide.
      GameLeap tier lists also give a brief overview of why a hero is good, but you have to skip an ad for the website every video.

      There are also different channels that just do pub match replays from the PoV of different pro players. Those will kind of show you what is generally being built on a hero. Just search "Dota 2 [role] pro game replays" or similar. They don't have commentary, though.

      Hope that helps.


        Didn't even know gameleap still lived, to be honest! I checked out a hero crash course video for Hoodwink from them, and also checked out a BSJ video, particularly the only about the newest patch.

        The gameleap vid was... okay. It definitely had useful info in it, like how she HP/MP hungry from all the skirmishing she wants to be doing, that gleip-rushing isn't necessarily the optimal way to itemize, I should be getting shard more, and that I should be buying early regen a LOT more than I have been, as well as getting raindrops. But it failed at lot in explaining *why* something was a certain case or why the things they say are good are good, to the point where I had an extremely hard time figuring out what was inherent to dota, what was inherent to hoodwink, and what was attached to the meta and patch the video was made in. The skill build in particular stood out - they recommended [(1/2)/(1/2)/2/3/2/4/2/1...] and mentioned how "there should be no good reason to go for any other build, ever." Fast forward to today and 4/4/0/1 is the meta build. What happened? Why is it that way now? The video doesn't give enough material for me to do my own critical thinking about it, there was no explanation for *why* you shouldnt build anything else. It also didn't really provide a good summary of the hero - it didn't describe the hero's gameplay identity.

        The BSJ video was a lot, LOT better, but still ultimately had a similar issue - an incomplete origin for why things were the way they were. The save-support popularity made sense, the blade mail rushing offlaners made sense, the gapclosing midlaners made sense, the NP flex made sense, and his patchnote analysis also made sense (glad I was correct in instantly noticing the bloodseeker buff was really big), but the strength of gleipnir-building ranged carries and aura stacking was just kinda... stated, and left at that.

        The impacts of the Strong Thing are all explained well, but *why is the Strong Thing strong???* In both videos, it seemed to almost get blown aside, just boiled down to "it got buffed since last patch / been smallbuffed for a lot of recent patches" and leave it at that.

        Definitely subbed to BSJ :3