135741314162891161218天赋树+50 Max Headshot Knockback Distance25-30s Shrapnel Charge Restore Time+30% Shrapnel Damage20+2s Take Aim Duration+150 Assassinate Damage15+45 Attack Speed During Take Aim+30 Headshot Damage10+55 Take Aim Attack Range Bonus天赋树+50 Max Headshot Knockback Distance25-30s Shrapnel Charge Restore Time+30% Shrapnel Damage20+2s Take Aim Duration+150 Assassinate Damage15+45 Attack Speed During Take Aim+30 Headshot Damage10+55 Take Aim Attack Range Bonus10天赋树+50 Max Headshot Knockback Distance25-30s Shrapnel Charge Restore Time+30% Shrapnel Damage20+2s Take Aim Duration+150 Assassinate Damage15+45 Attack Speed During Take Aim+30 Headshot Damage10+55 Take Aim Attack Range Bonus15天赋树+50 Max Headshot Knockback Distance25-30s Shrapnel Charge Restore Time+30% Shrapnel Damage20+2s Take Aim Duration+150 Assassinate Damage15+45 Attack Speed During Take Aim+30 Headshot Damage10+55 Take Aim Attack Range Bonus20
241416579131381161218天赋树+5% Dispersion25+25% All Spectre Illusion Damage+12% Spectral Dagger Slow/Bonus20+350 Health+80 Spectral Dagger Damage15+15 Desolate Damage+5 Health Regen10-4s Spectral Dagger Cooldown天赋树+5% Dispersion25+25% All Spectre Illusion Damage+12% Spectral Dagger Slow/Bonus20+350 Health+80 Spectral Dagger Damage15+15 Desolate Damage+5 Health Regen10-4s Spectral Dagger Cooldown10天赋树+5% Dispersion25+25% All Spectre Illusion Damage+12% Spectral Dagger Slow/Bonus20+350 Health+80 Spectral Dagger Damage15+15 Desolate Damage+5 Health Regen10-4s Spectral Dagger Cooldown15天赋树+5% Dispersion25+25% All Spectre Illusion Damage+12% Spectral Dagger Slow/Bonus20+350 Health+80 Spectral Dagger Damage15+15 Desolate Damage+5 Health Regen10-4s Spectral Dagger Cooldown20
135924681113141571218天赋树Corrosive Haze Undispellable25-3s Slithereen Crush Cooldown-4 Corrosive Haze Armor20+125 Slithereen Crush Damage+40 Bash of the Deep Damage15+300 Health+12 Seaborn Sentinel Bonus Damage10+2s Guardian Sprint Duration天赋树Corrosive Haze Undispellable25-3s Slithereen Crush Cooldown-4 Corrosive Haze Armor20+125 Slithereen Crush Damage+40 Bash of the Deep Damage15+300 Health+12 Seaborn Sentinel Bonus Damage10+2s Guardian Sprint Duration10天赋树Corrosive Haze Undispellable25-3s Slithereen Crush Cooldown-4 Corrosive Haze Armor20+125 Slithereen Crush Damage+40 Bash of the Deep Damage15+300 Health+12 Seaborn Sentinel Bonus Damage10+2s Guardian Sprint Duration16天赋树Corrosive Haze Undispellable25-3s Slithereen Crush Cooldown-4 Corrosive Haze Armor20+125 Slithereen Crush Damage+40 Bash of the Deep Damage15+300 Health+12 Seaborn Sentinel Bonus Damage10+2s Guardian Sprint Duration20
5131418241011137861216天赋树x3x Treant HP/Damage25Removed Teleportation Cooldown+170 Sprout Damage20-15s Wrath of Nature Cooldown+100 Teleportation Barrier15+50 Treant Movement Speed+25 Wrath of Nature Base Damage10-10s Nature's Call Cooldown天赋树x3x Treant HP/Damage25Removed Teleportation Cooldown+170 Sprout Damage20-15s Wrath of Nature Cooldown+100 Teleportation Barrier15+50 Treant Movement Speed+25 Wrath of Nature Base Damage10-10s Nature's Call Cooldown9天赋树x3x Treant HP/Damage25Removed Teleportation Cooldown+170 Sprout Damage20-15s Wrath of Nature Cooldown+100 Teleportation Barrier15+50 Treant Movement Speed+25 Wrath of Nature Base Damage10-10s Nature's Call Cooldown15天赋树x3x Treant HP/Damage25Removed Teleportation Cooldown+170 Sprout Damage20-15s Wrath of Nature Cooldown+100 Teleportation Barrier15+50 Treant Movement Speed+25 Wrath of Nature Base Damage10-10s Nature's Call Cooldown20天赋树x3x Treant HP/Damage25Removed Teleportation Cooldown+170 Sprout Damage20-15s Wrath of Nature Cooldown+100 Teleportation Barrier15+50 Treant Movement Speed+25 Wrath of Nature Base Damage10-10s Nature's Call Cooldown25
246810142011151617181921135791213天赋树x2x Quas/Wex/Exort Active Bonuses25Radial Deafening Blast+30 Alacrity Damage/Speed20+2 Chaos Meteors-5s Cold Snap Cooldown15-4s Sun Strike Cooldown-4s Tornado Cooldown10+50 Ice Wall DPS天赋树x2x Quas/Wex/Exort Active Bonuses25Radial Deafening Blast+30 Alacrity Damage/Speed20+2 Chaos Meteors-5s Cold Snap Cooldown15-4s Sun Strike Cooldown-4s Tornado Cooldown10+50 Ice Wall DPS22天赋树x2x Quas/Wex/Exort Active Bonuses25Radial Deafening Blast+30 Alacrity Damage/Speed20+2 Chaos Meteors-5s Cold Snap Cooldown15-4s Sun Strike Cooldown-4s Tornado Cooldown10+50 Ice Wall DPS23天赋树x2x Quas/Wex/Exort Active Bonuses25Radial Deafening Blast+30 Alacrity Damage/Speed20+2 Chaos Meteors-5s Cold Snap Cooldown15-4s Sun Strike Cooldown-4s Tornado Cooldown10+50 Ice Wall DPS24天赋树x2x Quas/Wex/Exort Active Bonuses25Radial Deafening Blast+30 Alacrity Damage/Speed20+2 Chaos Meteors-5s Cold Snap Cooldown15-4s Sun Strike Cooldown-4s Tornado Cooldown10+50 Ice Wall DPS25
913182481161214161357天赋树Tar Bomb Multishot25-9s Strafe Cooldown+40 Strafe Attack Speed20+350 Death Pact Bonus Health+1 Death Pact Charge15+75 Attack Range-4s Skeleton Walk Cooldown10+0.75s Strafe Duration天赋树Tar Bomb Multishot25-9s Strafe Cooldown+40 Strafe Attack Speed20+350 Death Pact Bonus Health+1 Death Pact Charge15+75 Attack Range-4s Skeleton Walk Cooldown10+0.75s Strafe Duration10天赋树Tar Bomb Multishot25-9s Strafe Cooldown+40 Strafe Attack Speed20+350 Death Pact Bonus Health+1 Death Pact Charge15+75 Attack Range-4s Skeleton Walk Cooldown10+0.75s Strafe Duration15天赋树Tar Bomb Multishot25-9s Strafe Cooldown+40 Strafe Attack Speed20+350 Death Pact Bonus Health+1 Death Pact Charge15+75 Attack Range-4s Skeleton Walk Cooldown10+0.75s Strafe Duration20
135741114152891061218天赋树450 Distance Auto Remnant in Ball Lightning25=2x Overload Attack Bounce-1.25s Static Remnant Cooldown20+0.2s Electric Vortex Duration+60 Static Remnant Damage15+250 Health+1.5 Mana Regen10-20 Overload Attack/Movement Speed Slow天赋树450 Distance Auto Remnant in Ball Lightning25=2x Overload Attack Bounce-1.25s Static Remnant Cooldown20+0.2s Electric Vortex Duration+60 Static Remnant Damage15+250 Health+1.5 Mana Regen10-20 Overload Attack/Movement Speed Slow13天赋树450 Distance Auto Remnant in Ball Lightning25=2x Overload Attack Bounce-1.25s Static Remnant Cooldown20+0.2s Electric Vortex Duration+60 Static Remnant Damage15+250 Health+1.5 Mana Regen10-20 Overload Attack/Movement Speed Slow16
235748911113141661218天赋树+1 Ward Attack Targets25+250 Ether Shock Damage+50% Serpent Wards Max HP20+1.5s Shackles DurationHex Breaks15+160 Serpent Wards Attack Range+1.75 Mana Regen10+170 Shackles Total Damage天赋树+1 Ward Attack Targets25+250 Ether Shock Damage+50% Serpent Wards Max HP20+1.5s Shackles DurationHex Breaks15+160 Serpent Wards Attack Range+1.75 Mana Regen10+170 Shackles Total Damage10天赋树+1 Ward Attack Targets25+250 Ether Shock Damage+50% Serpent Wards Max HP20+1.5s Shackles DurationHex Breaks15+160 Serpent Wards Attack Range+1.75 Mana Regen10+170 Shackles Total Damage15天赋树+1 Ward Attack Targets25+250 Ether Shock Damage+50% Serpent Wards Max HP20+1.5s Shackles DurationHex Breaks15+160 Serpent Wards Attack Range+1.75 Mana Regen10+170 Shackles Total Damage20
235711314161112184689天赋树-60s Sanity's Eclipse Cooldown25+1.5% Arcane Orb Damage+0.2 Sanity's Eclipse Mana Difference Multiplier20+450 Health+=1.0% of Current Mana as Movement Speed15+8% Astral Imprisonment Mana Capacity Steal+250 Mana10+100 Astral Imprisonment Cast Range天赋树-60s Sanity's Eclipse Cooldown25+1.5% Arcane Orb Damage+0.2 Sanity's Eclipse Mana Difference Multiplier20+450 Health+=1.0% of Current Mana as Movement Speed15+8% Astral Imprisonment Mana Capacity Steal+250 Mana10+100 Astral Imprisonment Cast Range10天赋树-60s Sanity's Eclipse Cooldown25+1.5% Arcane Orb Damage+0.2 Sanity's Eclipse Mana Difference Multiplier20+450 Health+=1.0% of Current Mana as Movement Speed15+8% Astral Imprisonment Mana Capacity Steal+250 Mana10+100 Astral Imprisonment Cast Range15
289141457311121361618天赋树+220 Fireblast Damage2517% Fireblast chance on attack+30 Bloodlust Attack Speed20+30 Strength+2/0.01 Dumb Luck Mana/Mana Regen Per Strength15+80 Damage-1s Fireblast Cooldown10+12 Ignite DPS天赋树+220 Fireblast Damage2517% Fireblast chance on attack+30 Bloodlust Attack Speed20+30 Strength+2/0.01 Dumb Luck Mana/Mana Regen Per Strength15+80 Damage-1s Fireblast Cooldown10+12 Ignite DPS10天赋树+220 Fireblast Damage2517% Fireblast chance on attack+30 Bloodlust Attack Speed20+30 Strength+2/0.01 Dumb Luck Mana/Mana Regen Per Strength15+80 Damage-1s Fireblast Cooldown10+12 Ignite DPS15天赋树+220 Fireblast Damage2517% Fireblast chance on attack+30 Bloodlust Attack Speed20+30 Strength+2/0.01 Dumb Luck Mana/Mana Regen Per Strength15+80 Damage-1s Fireblast Cooldown10+12 Ignite DPS20