General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to carry?

How to carry? in General Discussion
i love u butt

    Need legit advice, everytime i go carry..i have no support... so for me to win, i practically have to go pure support and beg my team to follow push out every game

    Game is hard!

      stop feeding, farm properly, win gaem.


        Maybe you could go for a carry with a fairly good early game. (early escape, tanky, good base dmg for easier LH). Void comes to mind for me.

        If your early farm is good you could then start trying to snowball out of control.

        If you can see on my profile, I've been playing PA because I feel her early game snowball is massive.

        Get treads, HoD and basher by like 15-18 minutes and you can easily fight early game. Things go well and you can snowball out of control, ggwp most of the time.

        Game is hard!

          fairly good early game........Void comes to mind for me............I've been playing PA because I feel her early game snowball is massive...........Get treads, HoD and basher by like 15-18.......Things go well and you can snowball out of control, ggwp most of the time................
          Normal Skill.......[size=14]Normal Skill.............[/size][size=18]Normal Skill.............[/size][size=22]Normal Skill.............[/size][size=26]Normal Skill.........[/size][size=28]Normal Skill.............[/size]

          [size=32]FUCKING NORMAL SKILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/size]!!!

          [size=32]I PRESENT YOU 2k TRASH ADVICE![/size]

          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

            3k actually.

            And also how is anything I've posted there not true?

            Void: great starting strength (high HP), innate evasion which blocks nukes , even 1 level in it is good enough. Time lock and qb makes last hitting not much of a problem.

            PA : lvl 9-10 with HoD basher and treads means your right click is around 120 , and then a 2.5x crit. Plus with dagger maxed, you have chase potential, and if you get a few kills rolling you can snowball.

            Game is hard!

              2k pretends to be 3k how adorable.

              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                Ok, even if I was pretending, why don't you with 5k knowledge tell me why void has a shit early game, or PA has zero snowball potential?

                Miku Plays


                  How did you managed to get HoD , Treads, and Basher when your just lvl 10? because i cant even finish Drums when im lvl 10

                  L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                    I start stout shield tango salve and 2 branches. Dagger first for last hits.

                    PMS finished around 1.5 minutes. Brown boots 3rd minute, get HoD by 10 minutes, treads by 14, basher by 18 minutes. I'm generally like level 11 by then

                    i love u butt

                      hey wave/notsocuteowl is poison in dotabuff, so just ignore him

                      i am asking for actual advice. Stop turning threads into poisonous insult warzones.

                      Mods if anyone is alive, pls do something about this

                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                        LOL, didn't know that was wave's fake account. I've heard of his rep here.

                        Miku Plays


                          If you want to play carry, try WK first.. since if everyone pick carry , you can support early game then farm in mid game. Also, if you dont want that kind of playstyle, play this easy carry heroes:
                          > PA - Q>W>Q>E>Q>R>Q>W>W>W>R>E>E>E>U>R
                          > Juggernaut - Q>U>Q>U>Q>R>Q> personal preference either max W or E first
                          > Drow - E>Q>E>W>E>R>E>Q>W>W>R>W>Q>Q>U>R

                          U = stats


                            its not u tards

                            Miku Plays

                              I put U as my hotkey for stats....

                              Hex Sigma

                                wave is starting to be entartaining. I was never aware that humans can be so interesting


                                  That's not even Wave...


                                    just so everyone calms the fuck down, cuteowl isnt wave


                                      if you want to carry in a solo environment i recommend you pick those carries who can get things done by themselves (initiate pick offs, initiate split push, find own space to farm etc)

                                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                        I don't know why people hate on Void all that much.

                                        With chrono at a low cd he can pickoff pesky supports, with a maelstrom he pushes well, he has an uncounterable dodge, scales hard lategame, don't see the downside.


                                          ^ that's exactly why people hate void


                                            Normal skill is ~2800+ in EU

                                            @op - keep farming and carry tp to help your team.
                                            if you say you got no supports, buy 2 wards and secure your farm from ganks. 150g will save you a lot more gold in a long term.

                                            i love u butt

                                              a carry (hopefully mid?) that can initiate pick offs, initiate split push, find own space to farm - roughly how many heroes fit into that catergory?

                                              ta / void / brew?


                                                ta ember tinker lycan slark storm


                                                  i meant either one of that, but a few heroes can do multiple of those roles


                                                    hey its raspharus, the kid who cried on devdota2 for 6 months about how hes stuck in elo hell and that icefrog must increase his mmr to the point where he gets good teammates

                                                    lets laugh at him

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      Don't pick PA or spectre if you're having issues. You need to pick carries than can flash farm quickly so it doesn't matter if you start poorly in lane cus you can catch up rotating through lanes and jungle mid game. Spectre has terrible farming abilities, he is extremely reliant on team doing something so he can ult in and get assists/kills for gold. PA needs to get battlefury to do any good at farming and that's a tall order if you have zero support.

                                                      I like troll warlord, medusa, sniper, razor and sven a lot better and wraith king and void are decent.

                                                      Troll and razor have big nukes that clear waves fast, medusa and sven have cleave/split shot and sniper if you build a quick maelstrom with his range you can farm jungle easily and use max shrapnel to farm lanes from afar. Sniper biggest issue is getting ganked, if you can avoid this you can farm fine. WK is decent cus of his vamp aura, you farm a lot slower than these other guys but can start sooner. Void is just really mobile and bash puts out good dmg. Go maelstrom on him and you'll get good farm mid game.


                                                        lemmy, your advice is awful. Please recognise that a normal bracket game is not the same as VH..if you pick PA without support in a decent level game, already you are at a huge disadvantage, if you then build HotD first along with basher, you probably shouldn't even bother queuing.

                                                        Void, Weaver and Clinkz are quite nice to play. Lifestealer and PL can go pretty well provided you don't have a super tough time in the lane. Play Brood in the absence of any counter picks. I see you like Juggernaut OP, he can work really well, just make sure you pick up a dagger and go for kills when your ulti is up

                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                          these were ur last 2 games...
                                                          and if u rlly want to win i suggest you get vlads for bonus dmg, mana regen for dager spam to win l and get cs, followed by deso and bkb, strong build for mid to late game pa.

                                                          i love u butt

                                                            holy crap, YNIT.

                                                            Where do i go to get that data? Looks kinky, must check it out

                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                              dota buff plus, under farm tab

                                                              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                My last 2 games were horrible in terms of farm not because of lack of support, in fact I had actually good supports compared to games like this.


                                                                I've been having internet issues in university, where I get way too much stutterlag despite 5 ms ping. It makes timing last hits much worse.

                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                  even them u got these items at 21 min, so shouldent say 15 to 18 min m8

                                                                  L > BLACK MAGE PARTY


                                                                    17 minutes m8 XD

                                                                    It's achievable, I want to say I get it in this time in 60-70 % of games. Heavy harass lanes lead me to spend atleast 400 on TPs so pushes it back a slight bit

                                                                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                      ^Good support + no lag = achievable goal

                                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                        LMAO, dude u g4 kills before 17 min mark, and yes its achivable its just bs that you get it often, i just looked through 18 of ur games and mbe like 2 games had it...

                                                                        L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                          Fairly sure it's under 20 minutes most of the time, I was sure 18 because I count first 18-20 minutes as early game and once I finish build I start roaming for kills and it happens around 18-20 minutes

                                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                            plus u got 2 towers before min 17, you can get 2 rapiers within 15 min if towers die u get farm and supports give you kills.

                                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                              dont roam, just farm till 30 min or untill u get bkb

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                Why don't you just play a hero that doesn't depend on support so much? You're PA in that first game posted by YNIT, 2.2 cs/min at 10 mins, 2.9 at 20, 3.6 at 30. If you were playing void or sniper or dusa and rotating properly you could probably go from 22 cs at 10 mins to 160+ by min 30 which is going to be close to a whole item extra.

                                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                  even then, just with dagger, you can get 4 cs per minute, enemy cant deny it when dagger is lvl 2. idk how to manage to miss so much cs, mbe because dominator dsnt give u mana to spam dagger??? mbe vlads just straight op on pa?? try it. go mid get bottle vlads its hard to lose mid as you can spam dagger none stop.

                                                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                    and yo dont rely on ur luck to win game, no need support.

                                                                                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                                      I'm assuming you went mid with PA. That's the thing. In my tier, no one lets me mid PA, even if it's viable (example : enemy has a pudge)

                                                                                      I can play PA mid fairly decently, but they still won't let me and will ping or flame me, specially if I go farming mid and not ganking mid.


                                                                                        @YNIT why get a vlads? If you get a bottle that is all the mana regen you will ever need, and if not a RoA gives the same regen as vlads for half the cost.

                                                                                        L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                                          Lifesteal is good on PA since she can gain back significant portion of her health as lifesteal with crits.

                                                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                            had another melle hero, vlads gives more dmg and armor to my team and regen to my eam cost little and isjust op, its% more dmg so it only gets better. when i play i think about my team too.

                                                                                            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                                              The only reason I go HoD is to make into satanic, since you can't sell vlads.


                                                                                                Didn't read anything said so far but, just pick heroes who are less reliant than in game support. If you're not doing well in lane, it may be better to gank early if you can surprise the other team and your hero has the capability. Spectre vs PA comes to mind.

                                                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                                  well yo can, but that aura 15% bonus dmg is underrated, ppl pls thing again what this means, this item is broken plus lifesteal for melle team mates too. Dont have to think about this twice.


                                                                                                    I understand lifesteal is good on PA, but I can't imagine a game where you wouldn't want to get satanic over vlads. Let someone else get vlads. Satanic active is just too good.

                                                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                                      well as u see the image that i posted, there was a retarded teammate... i would sold my vlads if game went any longer.
                                                                                                      hate whn ppl do this.


                                                                                                        If vlads is ever beneficial to the team (multiple melee cores) I would urge one of them to get it instead of PA. If you don't have multiple melee heros then I would for sure skip it for HotD and just get a RoA/bottle for mana regen.
