General Discussion

General DiscussionThe International 5: Discussion Thread

The International 5: Discussion Thread in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    50 min , 4 Slotted AM FeelsBadMan


      its crazy how shit this game has become, some patches ago the advantage would have mattered, now advantage means shit >> early game means shit>> skill means shit


        am already had enough dmg, mana break+manta+treads+BF he needed BKB to be fucking useful while the other guys got focused, wipe them while they tried to wipe but nooooooooo, lets fuck around with trying to get heart and do what, stay alive when they are all dead? -> and thats the best case scenario because he was gonna get disabled, like throughout the whole game and still be useless as long as fucking shaker did his JOB. WHO GIVES a fuck about lina ulti, he wouldnt be able to catch him or finish him off with a bkb, he used it on am he could just b and get healed by the fuckign dragon in the sidelines, INSTEAD VP would be missing the only huge nuke they had at that point in time and the other 4 would NOT die.


          anyways... entertaining game regardless.


            Idk how cant teams at this level finish games while having 20k+ gold and exp advantage. Is oponents high ground defense so good or does the other team just throw so hard? Any good comment on that?


              @dogson I'm pretty sure that's just your selective memory, this tournament had a lot of stomps where the team who won early game kept their feet on the pedal till the end.


                most of c9 games were like this, lgd empire was like this and now this


                  in this meta you just have to pick a defensive lineup with good late game and you can win even a team better than you


                    a thing that happened a lot in this ti


                      that is not the reason they lose. It is because they don't have balls and don't build accordingly for an early finish. If you don't commit you fail and if you fail you feed too much and in that case the other teams gains more and since the levels are aleady high, harder to turn around. And it is usually the team with the harder carries that is usually down so when it turns around they end up having the best carries.

                      saving private RTZ

                        Nah, the highground defense meta was last patch when you could've just pick 5 carries, optimally one of them Sniper, get crushed all game, get few kills when they push T3 and comeback.

                        i think this was nerfed this patch, well its still possible but much harder imo

                        Dire Wolf

                          Is any team going to let lesh get picked? I think he's 100% ban for main event, and was like 90% ban, 10% play for group stage.

                          "its not rly nice cz im expecting a lot of nagas as supps in pubs soon, but this hero requires quite a high skill and a lot of voice communication to execute it properly, which wont ever happen in a pub game (i mean solo q)."

                          yeah just going naga with no real purpose makes no sense. She's always picked to set someone else up like phoenix or sand king or something. Idk if it'll be an issue in pubs though, chen and wisp are picked a ton in pros and never picked in pubs.


                            he is just banned

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              Hmm, lose early game, come back later. Sounds familiar... oh wait.


                                @allu its not about highground defense, its about the aoe gold distribution and bounty shit, cuz you can get shit tons of gold from a streak on multiple heroes if they are around


                                  last pick sand king pls coL. 1v1 aganst brood max passive and rape

                                  edit: they got storm :( why no sandking rape whyyyyy sk so good.... never see him solo or offlane nowadays.... where is mania when you need him

                                  the realm's delight

                                    vp won


                                      dual mid mmmm


                                        LMAO NICE PULL


                                          my 3k mmr friends do better

                                          the realm's delight

                                            nice ʕ ͡•ᴥ ͡• ʔ(_̅_̅_̅FISSURE_̅_̲̅_̅_̅_̅()'

                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                              Would love to see some kind of spirit lance nerf or nerf to pl mana pool insane the size of his pool and regen....

                                              Maybe at least like a cd nerf something like 11, 10, 9, 8.


                                                nice ʕ ͡•ᴥ ͡• ʔ(_̅_̅_̅FISSURE_̅_̲̅_̅_̅_̅()'


                                                  fng drugged, like third awesome fissure


                                                    col playing very very bad this game

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      They just played Undying totally wrong TBH. They had very good levels on him and a very early Mek but didn't push even one lane as 5. Now it's 21 minutes in and he really doesn't do much.


                                                        awful draft. Need a legion or something to stand against that brood


                                                          how did that echo work?

                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            I thought he had a Blink or something. He is a magician.


                                                              lil just stunned storm with echo from 2k range away and he had no blink dagger


                                                                he bought the blink after the kill

                                                                what the hell :D


                                                                    lol i thought he ultied and blinked away, but srsly wtf happened lol

                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      OSfrog balanced spider lady OSfrog
                                                                      fng is playing ES btw.


                                                                        i will laugh if vp lose this to ember with rapiers :DDDD


                                                                          yeah Sam it's fng* :)

                                                                          Must've confused it with the previous game


                                                                            actually zombie did well, tuskar is underperforming greatly. He was supposed to own early game, instead they got owned by a shaker
                                                                            edit: and ember can still win this, we've seen enough games toknow its possible :p


                                                                              yea tusk did nothing, no way undying can solo kill pl




                                                                                  LOL vp actually throwing


                                                                                    see this is what i was talking about, get a kill on qop who is ahead >>> get 1k+ gold on 300 heroes

                                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                      It's very hard for VP to go highground. They should just push 3 lanes at once.


                                                                                        HAHAHA STORM LOST EULS

                                                                                        the realm's delight

                                                                                          rip eul


                                                                                            GG SWINDLE DONT DROP YOUR FUCKING ITEMS


                                                                                              the caster didn't see it but he dropped EULS before using soulring and he got echoed


                                                                                                aahhahahha euls denied xd


                                                                                                  my sides :horse:
                                                                                                  alright they mentioned it now


                                                                                                    lol if storm wasn't braindead they might have won,
                                                                                                    now last place net worth
