General Discussion

General DiscussionTELL WHY ANIME?

TELL WHY ANIME? in General Discussion

    "Your drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens!"


      Cause they use actual drills u dummy.

      Lol u can't really prove it can u?


        Also drill is an anagram for soul in that anime


          "But implying something like gurren lagann is gay because it has 1 gay dude in there is something completely different.
          You have failed and flawed logic."

          I'm not very good in English, so I it's hard for me to understand why my logic is flawed.

          My logic is: if there is a piece of shit in chocolate it's no longer a chocolate, it's all shit.
          I don't think that I can explain it any better, sorry.


            u have to love gays in anime though


              No my sentence is grammatically correct. Im Doing this via phone so my thumb may slip.

              And if you have a problem with the choclate, just tear the part with the shit off. Easy solution to a piss poor arguemejt


                Sometimes Soultrap says good shit, sometimes he says bad shit, but every time he posts you know he will say some shit. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                  @Neko Gamer Soul
                  Looks like you have high tolerance to shit.


                    @zano nice way of putting it. Well played.

                    @soultrap instead of saying shit to choclate you can say mushrooms on a pizza or jelly on peanut butter.

                    It's the same principle, just worded differently. Saying shit to chocolate is just appealing to everyone and of course no one would eat a choclate bar with shit on it.

                    However if u made it neutral and apply it to everyone's personal tastes, then it becomes more diverse and opinion base rather than saying things like, "you really must eating shit then"

                    How's that for sound logic?


                      It's personal. For someone gays in anime are mushrooms on a pizza, for others it jelly on peanut butter, for the third it's something else. There is some kind of "red line" that separates gay stuff from non-gay stuff. And everyone has his own right to draw this line in a place he wants. You draw this line a bit more to the left, somebody else draws this line a bit more to the right.

                      So, when someone says that "anime is gay", I think it's wise just to accept it.


                        And that's completely fine, however if said anime is perfectly fine and all you focus is that 1 error in it, ur narrowmindess will bring down the whole picture.

                        I can say something like Free! Is a gay piece of crap and needs to die, but that is over turned from A. Never seen it and B. Not telling the ups and downs of the anime.

                        If your argument lacks sauce of any kind someone like me will nickpick you to death till the end of time.


                          You turned a guy with words: "How many anime have you've seen start to finish make a statement like that?" So I decided to put in an opinion from someone who watched enough (I hope) anime to make statements. But it looks like you will disagree with anyone...

                          P.S. I only managed to watch first 1 or 2 episodes of "Free!", so I can't argue with you on this one. May be we can find some middle-ground? For example: "Kashimashi" is on my "everyone-must-watch" anime list. What do you think about it? Is it gay? Is it about gays?


                            You provided a bit of humor to add to my statement. The only thing that rings true in ur statements is yaoi.

                            Brb finishing work


                              Also providing 1 gay moment in 1 anime doesn't make the slew of anime gay

                              Livin' Real Good

                                Hentai + Dota 2 - grill + girl -25 MMR (is the reciprocal of +25 MMR) x that by how much hentai you watch, then divide that by how much (real porn) you watch, then finally, just add in anime = Higher MMR

                                Then after that formula comes to the real question, is your MMR high enough? If not, just add more anime, you should get the results you want. Good luck. :)

                                waku waku


                                    "Also providing 1 gay moment in 1 anime doesn't make the slew of anime gay"
                                    Now it's time for me to ask: how many animes you've seen?


                                      I off handedly seen quite a bit of anime.

                                      However out of those anime, Soul Eater, Murder Princess, Cowboy Beebop, or Code Geass didn't have a gay character in them. Thus by your own argument not gay

                                      And by that u failed to argue that all anime is gay

                                      Miku Plays

                                        anime for noobs, watch hentai fck sake


                                          Also if you even DARE go the route of saying since Vic Mignoina is gay therefore his character in soul eater is gay to nullify my argument then your an idiot and grasping at straws


                                            I'm a gentleman miku. Porn is for spare time, not for enjoyment time


                                              can u recommend good vanilla hentai

                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                You also need an anime avatar if you want an MMR increase.

                                                Miku Plays


                                                  google that

                                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                    @Miku: Hentai is for true gentleman. And, Vanilla > Netorare

                                                    Miku Plays

                                                      NTR > anime > vanilla


                                                        @Neko Gamer Soul
                                                        What do you think about Lelouch + Suzaku? =)))

                                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                          Imo, a hentai doujinshi (manga) is far better than animated hentai.

                                                          @stopmakingsafelane, vanilla hentai is good. Ecchi anime is better. Try this, (google *title* myanimelist for more info)

                                                          *B Gata H Kei:
                                                          *Koe De Oshigoto
                                                          *Kiss x Sis
                                                          *high school dxd
                                                          *to love ru

                                                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                            My brain stop after watching NTR called Otome Dori and I ended losing 3 times in a row (¬_¬)



                                                                ehhhhh, I think LelouchXSuzaku is more of the line of blood brothers than Yaoi material.

                                                                But you know, shippers are gonna ship.


                                                                  Am I the only one who watch anime with weird characters?


                                                                    No, no you do not.

                                                                    Miku Plays

                                                                      ur not alone soultrap


                                                                      triangle blue is good for u, also pls rape me! is that rape or wat

                                                                      Miku Plays


                                                                          So tits?

                                                                          Cause that's like most people in anime are their "favorite" parts.


                                                                            i hate them so much lol
                                                                            moe is best


                                                                              Favorite part of anime is the plot.

                                                                              P.S. I remember the first gay character I met in anime.
                                                                              Nuriko was so cool.


                                                                                I agree. The plot should be the best part of the anime. Animation should be 2nd. Fanservice should be last.


                                                                                  loli most important


                                                                                    I mean, I like my girls to have a smaller, more average chest but loli is just pushing it.


                                                                                      but she so cute man


                                                                                        flat-chan best girl


                                                                                          I know they're cute. Super Kawaii.

                                                                                          It's the people who fetishies loli's I can't stand.


                                                                                            does kuroko count as loli?

                                                                                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                              Google 'Tohsaka Rin dirty anus' and be amazed.


                                                                                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                                                  It's one of those things a lot of people get too addicted to then have their lives ruined by mental/social illnesses and lack of work/education. Would not recommend it (though I guess dota is similar anyway).

                                                                                                  PUTIN FOR THE WIN

                                                                                                    they say anime is for the dreamers, but we are the one who not sleep buddy. and u said anime just for kid ??
                                                                                                    really ? do people need age reason to enjoy what they want ???
                                                                                                    do you feed us ? give us money ? give us shelter ??
                                                                                                    HELL NO BITCH, we enjoy every single fucking thing what we want dude.

                                                                                                    and for u who said that anime just for kid, is ur FUCKING kid watch hentai ?? NOT right?
                                                                                                    coz that ratting 18++ adult only not for ur fucking kid bitch, i hate the haters, find a life buddy

                                                                                                    lm ao
