General Discussion

General DiscussionTELL WHY ANIME?

TELL WHY ANIME? in General Discussion
lm ao



      I think that's retardation seeping in buddy.

      Probably should get it looked. Some people can't handle this much anime and live.

      lm ao


        < blank >

          Here is still less anime than in ayy lmao


            Because this is a serious discussion, so us weebs are being serious for a moment.

            We just like to shitpost our anime in Ayy lmao

            < blank >

                at this point in time, I'm pretty sure everyone knows now.

                Livin' Real Good

                  I didn't.....


                    Nice Pedos we got on page 2,also:

                    Hentai is gay


                      Proof that show's Hentai is gay?

                      Same problem, lack of evidence.


                        we need some azunyan on this thread



                            I just dont get the appeal behind it tbh. Idk, maybe im just getting old, although I've never really like it now that I think about it. Japanese is just noisy imo, especially with majority of those voices they use in anime. I also really dont get dudes getting hard ons for animated chicks with cat ears.... But yeah, to each their own.

                            I know one thing though, I always wonder what kind of fucked up mesculin and psilocybin mixes those crazy asian writers are on.


                              What anime, and is it any good?


                                ok, ppl who watch hentai got a rly weird fetish.

                                better ?


                                  Define fetish.

                                  Most Hentai have straight sex scenes.


                                    not fetish as in gay, but fetish as in jerking off on cartoons


                                      and ppl who watch loli hentai are worse than hitler, pedos + weebs in 1 person, i hope u kill urselves



                                        Masturbating to Hentai is not really a fetish. It's like a thing now. You either masturbate to porn or hentai. It's pretty redefined.

                                        A fetish is like tentacle porn, neko porn, such and such.

                                        Also, I might be weird in saying this, but it's not like western cultural for loli type porn. In japan, the legal age for sexual intercourse is 13. It's weird to us, but normal for them.


                                          ah whatever ure retarded


                                            k-on! if you like slice of life you will like it


                                              Says the person who didn't prove a point, got his ass backwards argument handed back to him, and now has to attack in personal insults for attacks.

                                              Also, "you're"


                                                Yeah people keep recommending that to me, so I'll give a shot after some Cow Beebop


                                                  ure = you're & its not about arguments, i have none of them, its just the personal opinion of me and probably billions of other ppl, i could also argue that child porn should be legalized because hey, as long as tehy watch child porn tehy dont harm more kids right? you can never argue about fetishs because one likes them whereas the other one doesnt like them, so imo hentai is gay


                                                    Sorry, I don't really have time to argue with people with baseless claims. All you jabber is just like buzzing sounds to me basically.

                                                    Also, opinions are fine, but once you start stating facts as opinions, then you start getting your asshole ripped.

                                                    By the by, there are like 6 billion people in the world. Even mentioning the fact that at least 1/6 of the total human population doesn't like anime, you are speaking for 1 billion people who you have never met before. You have no stats behind your claims, ergo false information, ergo opinion based facts, ergo bad argument.

                                                    But it was a good attempt. You're not Triplesteal or Zano who give me a solid erection through debate. Try a little bit harder.

                                                    Also good grammar gets you points in the real world. Just saying.


                                                      Also here you go. You clearly need to a little lesson on the term "argument"


                                                        cba to write properly on the ionternet


                                                          As a writer, and a critic.


                                                            youre retarded nonetheless

                                                            Livin' Real Good

                                                              K-on kinda sucked to me, but the characters were pretty cute, you see them evreywhere on the internet.


                                                                Okay then....

                                                                How am I retarded? Where is your "baseless, factual claim" that I am retarded.


                                                                  welp every person has their own opinion
                                                                  imo its pretty good
                                                                  and azusa is #1 most moe anime character i've watched

                                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                                    @cheona, hehe'

                                                                    I stopped after episode 2, seemed unbearable, they're just really good hentai material, cutest anime girls ive seen in a while. Kappa

                                                                    Who know's maybe it got better, but that's one of the ONLY show's I have ever dropped due to bad writing. The first episode is so bad. I'll MAYBE start it back up, and see if I can go on journey with Mio and the gang after all. Keepo


                                                                      youre a retard because ure an adult watching fucking anime for the fucking cartoon boobs, i mean thats already enough of an argument & comparing u to a bunch of my friends who watch anime as well ure probably socially inept and a loser just like they are


                                                                        what the fuck is this shit


                                                                          @nongrata i think i was sleeping when you wrote 4head


                                                                            Hmm let's see. If we go back to my anime list in Ayy lmao you would notice that 1 out of all those animes were an ecchi anime. The rest were well developed stories and had some good characters too them. A bit of humor this as well.

                                                                            Ahh yes, the old, "YOU'RE AN ADULT HURR DURR, STOP WATCHING CARTOONS HURR DURR." Argument. Tell you what, tell me any child under the age of 12 who can sit through all volumes of Hellsing: Ultimate or Claymore without their parents yelling at them from watching something that murderous or violent, then you can come back at me k?

                                                                            Socially inept? Yes. Loser? Fuck no. I make a lot of money working at a god damn coal mine, and I reject bitches left and right. I'm in that "weird" category of men who values my virginity, because of too many hoes trying to steal it.

                                                                            Also, it's a petty excuse for an argument to personally attack someone like that. I could say you're a fat slug who can't spell correctly and has nothing on his hands except going around on the internet, attacking some strangers that they don't even know to make their tiny dick syndrome grow bigger, as they wallow in sadness of how inept they are at making actual friends. Probably a whinny 25 year old who's on welfare, has 3 kids already, and wants the government for money, cause they are too lazy to do work themselves so they ask for a hand out.

                                                                            But hey, that's just a baseless claim, something that I can't really use to back up my argument.


                                                                              "If we go back to my anime list in Ayy lmao "

                                                                              what fucking anime list ive never seen such a list, only ur fucking boob gifs that you think are incredibly hot

                                                                              "Ahh yes, the old, "YOU'RE AN ADULT HURR DURR, STOP WATCHING CARTOONS HURR DURR.""

                                                                              well isnt it true? i cant make out a scenario in my mind where a normal person watches all this shit, especially while having in mind that this person is only/partially watching this for the "hot boobs"

                                                                              "Socially inept? Yes. Loser? Fuck no. I make a lot of money working at a god damn coal mine, and I reject bitches left and right. I'm in that "weird" category of men who values my virginity, because of too many hoes trying to steal it."

                                                                              idk man idk

                                                                              "Also, it's a petty excuse for an argument to personally attack someone like that. I could say you're a fat slug who can't spell correctly and has nothing on his hands except going around on the internet, attacking some strangers that they don't even know to make their tiny dick syndrome grow bigger, as they wallow in sadness of how inept they are at making actual friends. Probably a whinny 25 year old who's on welfare, has 3 kids already, and wants the government for money, cause they are too lazy to do work themselves so they ask for a hand out.

                                                                              But hey, that's just a baseless claim, something that I can't really use to back up my argument."

                                                                              well expirience has teached me that anime watchers are losers, idk wether the sample size of 30+ people is too small but they're all incredibly weird irl so at least for me its not really a baseless claim since ive yet to meet a weeb thats nto retarded


                                                                                Would it kill you to look, or are you just that lazy? So hard. Litterally 2 minutes.

                                                                                Also I liked how you specifically skipped the follow up sentence during that 2nd paragraph, but hey if you can't handle the meat of the argument, then I guess you shouldn't even try right?

                                                                                Where I come from, it's either you get ahead in life, or you ruin someone else's life to get ahead. That's the way how my mother ruined my whole families life, that's how my ex tried to ruin my life, and that's how most people act here in Wyoming. Also, if you have nothing to say, just say "Alright, moving on" instead of saying "IDK". Makes you seem like an inconstant fool. You want to debate or nah?

                                                                                Experience has taught me that those who do not experience things first hand, are often not willing to try different things. 30+ is not a substantial number. If it was 300 people, then stats would come into play, but I highly doubt that you know 300 people due to your "attitude."

                                                                                What a boring response. I was hoping to get a rile out of you. Try a littler harder, more grammatically correct if you would.


                                                                                  you both suck


                                                                                    but animu is good


                                                                                      well what follow up sentence? Alright moving on what ecchi is


                                                                                        To each their own.




                                                                                          You completely ignoring the little scenario with hellsing and a little kid? How daft are you?


                                                                                            "so hard" hey i'd only have to check 50 pages oupps oh wait im not an autist


                                                                                              Oh hey, probably poor people with shitty asshole internet.

                                                                                              I checked like all the pages up till 220 and it only took me 2 minutes.

                                                                                              lm ao

                                                                                                Oh god spunki y


                                                                                                  oh sorry im not properly reading everything because im playing meanwhile, but yeah it seems quite weird anyway, watching "hardcore anime" doesnt make it any better / worse


                                                                                                    Brb need sleep

                                                                                                    Actually on a side note, I don't watch anything "hardcore" I watch things that catch my interest. I offhandedly watch anime.

                                                                                                    Hey but maybe if you stop looking up shitty memes, and watch some anime, you might actually get some life lessons instead of insults and bad grammar.

                                                                                                    lm ao

                                                                                                      Oh look Neko Gamer Soul made me finally realize how conducive anime is to good health, prosperity and an excellent love and sex life! Thanks bruh, look guys come check out my very first anime