General Discussion

General DiscussionFake lose streak to win ranked games

Fake lose streak to win ranked games in General Discussion
Swap Commends

    Is it possible ?
    Simply lose some games by testing new metas,new heroes and after a lose streak play ranked.
    I tried this before.Works for 2 3 games,I mean u get good teammates coming from a win streak while u encounter pure noobs in enemy team.After that same balanced wr shit backs again.(Almost happens but not 100%)

    Have anyone tried this?


      I know a player who can win 30 matches in a row despite having the most useless retards on his team.

      The truth is that we all just need to improve constantly to the point where it doesn't matter who is on our team.


        1 retard is enough to bring a team down. If you have 4, the chances of your loss are exponentially higher ^


          it makes no sense cz ur performance in NMM or in your previous matches in ranked does not affect MM system for further matches at all.

          the realm's delight

            yes it is

            lm ao


              < blank >




                    I know a player who can win 30 matches in a row despite being the most useless retard in his team.

                    The truth is: it's not skill but luck that wins you games.


                      ^luck is to win N game in a row, skill is to have consistent positive winrate on a large sample of games

                      < blank >

                        Damn, you skilled bruh



                          Swap Commends

                            @Awakened +

                            Win N games = wr :D
                            Damn,ur words make sense a lot :)))


                              So where is your data to suggest this works? Looking through your history I don't see any pattern whatsoever of losing a bunch of normal games then winning 2-3 ranked games.

                              How do people fall prey to things like selective memory so easily? Didn't you take any science classes in high school?




                                  How do people fall prey to things like selective memory so easily? Didn't you take any science classes in high school?

                                  It's a kind of self-preserving bias - blaming as many outside factors as possible before questioning one's own mistakes helps a lot of people to play competitively while realising that they're not among the best players.
                                  The amount of tinfoil-hat-level stupidity on this forum seems to rise, with oh-so-many threads about a matchmaking system that purposefully puts only game ruiners on your team or that skills brackets are based on luck - and you can ofc only escape that by creating as many smurfs as possible, where you have to play specific heroes and achieve high amounts of KDA and TD regardless of wins.

                                  You'll never get this bullshit out of people's heads ;-)


                                    why not? it can be a legit strategy to gain mmr imo

                                    if you're tryharding and winning for a longer period of time, you'll be exhausted and sooner or later you'll get mindset like "holy shit i have so big winstreak what if i'll lose next one" and that fear will make you underperform
                                    it can have positive impact on your climb if you play some games in normal mm and just chill

                                    it's not about difference of skill but about mental state and attitude


                                      or lose 1k mmr and then play with retards forever


                                        its better to just take a break then

                                          Swap Commends

                                            Do u know how MM works ?
                                            If u do feel free to post some info but I doubt u know.

                                            Swap Commends

                                              I approve what u say about the mental state but
                                              I have tons of games where my teammates were very high skilled players while enemy team had horrible players.
                                              Accident ??


                                                accident? i think not.
                                                its the work of illuminati in conjunction with donald trump


                                                  i do know it. what's your question?

                                                  if it's about any kind of forced 50% winrate mechanisms, then no, they do not exist. normal MM doesnt affect ranked MM in any way besides the average mmr of your first calibration game being defined by your current hidden mmr in unranked.


                                                    uh not really?

                                                    Swap Commends

                                                      Then I wish they always work for me

                                                      give me some examples to disprove.
                                                      Games are 50 50.
                                                      btw,I konw how cali works.


                                                        examples of what?


                                                          what does the phrase "games are 50 50" mean?

                                                          anyways, re-formulate ur request and ill answer you when i come back from the gym in couple of hours, aight?


                                                            he means that if you play 50 games, the amount of games that you have played will equate to 50.

                                                            < blank >

                                                              50/50 joker


                                                                triple doing 50/50 pushups at the gym daym sooon

                                                                < blank >

                                                                  Dis niqqa's doin dem all


                                                                    i called it a gym but actually its a sports centre, and im going swimming, and not lifting there




                                                                        but i try to look cool anyways

                                                                        Swap Commends

                                                                          Toxic community is real


                                                                            i still dont see ur questions


                                                                              Why don't you try this yourself and then post your results?

                                                                              white cat<3

                                                                                Normal MM has affect on ur hidden MMR and even valve try to make the winrate @50% there are some ppl with above 80% winrate :v


                                                                                  there s a while since ive last seen such a good english, samuel jackson would be proud of ya

                                                                                  white cat<3

                                                                                    okay..... -_-


                                                                                        ^ u underestimate people

                                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                                          losing unranked games is pretty hard if ur actively trying to win

                                                                                          Sometimes you have a 4.5k safelane pos 1 naga who goes quelling blade stout shield into radiance, doesn't understand how to split push and a 5k bristle shittalks the invoker, and loses the game to him for buying stupid items and diving like a retard. So even if you're trying to win yourself, if you're not in position to carry the game alone, it's pretty likely you can lose.

                                                                                          Swap Commends

                                                                                            ^ +
                                                                                            That last words LMAO.
                                                                                            Shit happens in every fucking skill tier.


                                                                                              Hey AI.Easy, if you and I are both equally good at chess and we play 100 games, with us each winning 50, who forced that 50% winrate?


                                                                                                The Illuminati.

                                                                                                Von Darkmoor

                                                                                                  Actually the system forces 50/50 matchen upon you so if you win too many in a row you will keep gettin wprse and worse teammates until you get to the next step in The ladder there you will play with the free fallers on their way Down once you get passed those 1,5 steps on the ladder you will have normal teammates again until you climb up the next step. There was a blogg post explaining this ages ago.
                                                                                                  Do you guys even read or do you just go spamm "apem eu west " ? LOL!

                                                                                                  (Actually when i think about it it could have been an article anyways long time ago)


                                                                                                    ^ And this is pretty much the biggest urban myth of DotA that is related to the self-preservation bias.

                                                                                                    Please just think about it - reading an "article" doesn't cut it:

                                                                                                    Having a win rate at around 50% for most of it's players is the best indication of a perfectly working matchmaking system.
                                                                                                    It simply means that the majority of matches are balanced and can be won by either team. If a single player is actually better than his MMR indicates, then he will raise it over a large number of games. If he is worse (hello smurfs and account buyers), the opposite will happen.
                                                                                                    That does not mean the system tries to "force" the 50% win rate on any player - it is the natural result of a working system.
                                                                                                    The assumption that it puts worse players in your team the more often you win is just self-centered and I have never seen any proof for that. I had a nice little win streak a month ago, and this assumption (if it accepts that MMR correlates to skill) would mean that I would have had the highest MMR in all of these matches just to prevent me from raising my win rate. Guess what? I was sometimes the lowest, sometimes the highest, mostly somewhere in between - no outliers.
                                                                                                    If you argument that MMR means jack shit and the system has an additional flag for "bad players" or "throwers" that it uses to put them together with winning players, then I can only call that bullshit, sorry ;)
                                                                                                    Thinking like that leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy: You think to be better than anyone else at your MMR and that you will lose with these morons, start to flame, tilt, everyone else starts arguments instead of concentrating - chance to win: about 10%.
                                                                                                    You pat your own back, thinking that it wasn't possible to carry these players in a rigged matchmaking system that wants you to lose.

                                                                                                    If your self-preservation bias calls for it, you then go to a forum and describe your "experiences" (ofc without mentioning the flames) with the evil system, some people actually believe it, the stupidity grows.

                                                                                                    Moral of the story? Critizise your own plays and don't be a toxic shit that flames about the mistakes of others. Instead, neutrally state what could be improved in the match or say nothing at all. This has a much bigger impact on your win rate than anything that Lord Gaben could invent to drag you down, because he obviously hates you.

                                                                                                    Swap Commends

                                                                                                      You and ppl like you are just among those who comment "git gud" the first u see a thread before even reading it.
                                                                                                      1.NO ONE is claiming here he/she is better than his/her skill tier,if so,feel free to post quotes.

                                                                                                      2.If u have any info about how MM works,also feel free to post them,otherwise I see no reason to call it 100% decent.I just mention one thing,party queues are still fucking matches and what devs did to improve?NOTHING.

                                                                                                      3.The main issue of the topic is where the system tries to match a 50/50 win chance and the only factor seems to be winrate.Proof?check some game of yours.
                                                                                                      My last game for exp :
                                                                                                      where all teammates have chance ~51 (there was stack of 2 players in team).

                                                                                                      Swap Commends

                                                                                                        Chess is 1v1 game,Dota is 5v5.That has been many discussed and the reason why elo based system doesn't mean anything in Dota2.