General Discussion

General DiscussionFake lose streak to win ranked games

Fake lose streak to win ranked games in General Discussion

    u had like 1 or 2 days, and i still dont see ur questions about MM system, and u r posting some bullshit instead. so i guess u dont want to know anything, right?


      winrate is never taken into account for mm system cz its not an indicator of one's skill. nmm works exactly same way as ranked in these terms, and the players' matching is based on the ranking of each. the system has two aims: make the average mmr as close as possible, and make the dispertion as low as possible, and more or less similar for both teams. nothing besides rating is used here.

      however, rating is partly explained by winrate, which can lead to this kind of confusion.


        You and ppl like you are just among those who comment "git gud" the first u see a thread before even reading it.

        I never comment "git gud" in such threads, though it is tempting at times. Mostly, I just do a mental facepalm and don't respond at all, since the ppl that create these threads are rarely interested in other opinions.

        1.NO ONE is claiming here he/she is better than his/her skill tier,if so,feel free to post quotes.

        You can find such posts regularly on Dotabuff, albeit some of them are not directly claiming to be better but implying it.

        2.If u have any info about how MM works,also feel free to post them,otherwise I see no reason to call it 100% decent.I just mention one thing,party queues are still fucking matches and what devs did to improve?NOTHING.

        A somewhat reliable source is the Wiki: and
        Some of the info may be outdated, e.g. teams are no longer existing in the Source 2 client afaik (or did they reimplement it?).
        The issue of parties playing together with solo players is not a problem in my eyes, since the system tries to match equal party sizes in both teams, which works in the majority of my matches. Splitting the queues would increase queue times by quite a lot and people would certainly still complain about their teams.

        3.The main issue of the topic is where the system tries to match a 50/50 win chance and the only factor seems to be winrate.Proof?check some game of yours.
        My last game for exp :
        where all teammates have chance ~51 (there was stack of 2 players in team).

        I already explained how to interpret win rates of around 50%.
        As Triple already said, the matchmaking doesn't give a fuck about win rates, though. It uses the MMR for matching players, and if it did it's job properly, both teams have a chance to win. Doesn't mean that players can't be assholes and dramatically decrease this chance during the match, be it intentional or not.
        Finally, all players in a match can have a higher than 50% overall win rate. That doesn't mean the system is broken.


          It's fucking irelevant. Unless you're like 5k+ MMR. Even if forced 50% exists, it only does to some degree, and it's because you're not capable to climb(you're not better than your team-mates and enemies as much as you think you are).


            I just dont get how people cant comprehend that when you match players according to skill, the natural outcome is that everyone will win roughly half their games.

            50% win rates on every player in the game is the hallmark of a very good ranking system.

            Swap Commends

              Sry ppl,but u have NO idea how MM works.U just bare with ranked and unranked MMR as the main and only factor,sadly its not true.

              @Shred you to bits
              In higher tier due to limited pool,win chances are not exactly 50/50.That's why u gain/lose more points comparing to lower tier (~40 MMR IICC)


                op is either a troll or super retarded

                Swap Commends

                  I am retarded and u are super good,now leave the thread if u have nothing productive to offer beside spamming shit talk.


                    u told u got problems with understanding mm system. i said i can answer ur questions. instead of asking questions u r spamming bullshit, therefore i assume u dont want to know anything and instead u r just seeking attention. =either retard or troll.

                    < blank >

                      Some people play Dota because IRL nobody cares about what they are doing. But in this case, not even the player care about OP so he is coming here


                        it really depends on where the sun sets i think.
                        East = loss
                        West = win

                        It's a little reserach I've done and it works 100%, or money back


                          in the end its decided by jewish reptiloids who secretly control the world anyways


                            He's right you guys, there's definitely some forced 50% going on here.


                              You need to play heroes who have high enough impact so ur team can suck but u can still win. Not fucking rocket science.


                                Sry ppl,but u have NO idea how MM works.U just bare with ranked and unranked MMR as the main and only factor,sadly its not true.
                                @Shred you to bits
                                In higher tier due to limited pool,win chances are not exactly 50/50.That's why u gain/lose more points comparing to lower tier (~40 MMR IICC)

                                So you start with saying that you don't know a lot about the MM system, get multiple explanations and links, and then come to the conclusion that we know nothing while simultaneously stating something that is plain wrong?
                                Wow... I have to agree with Triple.
                                Good luck trying to figure out the real reason for matches deviating from the standard 25 MMR exchange (it's not that hard).