General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to Brood

How to Brood in General Discussion
✪ 9

    are there any really good brood players in this forum? if there are can they help me out

    i wanna know what to build on her and when according to situations + any things to keep in mind while playing her

    when to pick her when to not pick her etc

    thanks in advance


      generally qb+stout+2 mango/1mango+1tango
      soul ring-aquila/medal
      some real good players go queling+blight stone+tango but its really hard to do you'll get hitted by enemy and go low so much at lane

      then,after that you decide
      aquila is for farming,medalion is for lane winning(do buy medal if you can win lane only)
      can you win the lane(vs range retard heroes who pick range vs brood),buy medalion or stuffs like alche mid or lycan mid
      vs aoe garbage heroes like tiny/lc(those you cant kill, buy aquila
      good thing about medalion is that you can kill faster,so you can 1vs3 easily when enemy actually decides to backup their mid

      people love to go diffu but,i still love to go orchid (like when i see grimstroke,uh anything that's annoying here or ww)
      but usually i go items depending on my mid matchup
      if i fight stuff like tiny/lc i'll go diffu,so i can pressure him getting out from my lane (diffu generally works for everything,but uh i want to make space for my team usually)
      orchid is,silence? idk how to describe but orchid is good for some games too
      but yes even you go diffu vs lina/invo,since you dont need to sielnce them(buy orchid if you need to silence someone on enemy team)

      after your first item(orch/diffu),+pt buy bkbmostly
      unless your only danger is rightclicks,i go solar crest(even after aquila) and then butterfly after pt

      before your bkb,if you think that any guys can kill you (min 13+) after your first item,stop trying to pressure the lanes and just farm jungle(3 ancients+lane,1-2 more camp if possible)
      the most gamelosing for brood,in my opinion is dying at the time 13-20 when you havent finished your bkb yet and die ganked or bad fighting/thought this is easy kill but 1 sp with stun comes out nowhere and u ded

      after diffu bkb you can go orchid+nulli,or go butterfly
      after orchid bkb you can go nulli,or go butterfly too
      if you vs treant protector and you see not much stuns on enemy team,go manta first before bkb works also(for dispel root) [usually this is diffu,not orchid build]

      farming 2 ancients+lane at min 7~ is more efficeint than taking small camps/large/medium

      there's some guy i watched vs kunnka and he goes aquila straight after qb+4mango(no sr) and blocks lane so you can win the lane,that's a tip vs kunnkaas i guess(lvl 4,after aquila cut wave)

      always buy the sage mask part of the item,like basilus 1st
      2 sage mask 1st if you buy orchid(not quarterstaff)

      aquila+orchid is acceptable too on some games,the itembuild is pretty watever as long aquila/medal + diffu/orchid + bkb/butter
      (if you go butter,go solar crest 1st always..mostly)
      (manta is just special case vs roof)

      copypasted from here
      forget about grimstroke,that hero trash after ink swell change


        yo can buy soul ring instead of aquila if you want to farm, you have HP regen in web


          what heroes counters brood other than es and kunkka?


            ta timber meepo beast


              also mk can counter brod

              MVP/ RUINER U CHOOSE!

                hw abt sf


                  Gotta watch out for Axe as well (unless you have ended before he gets blink)

                    Riguma Borusu

                      you start by selling your soul to the devil

                      after that it comes naturally


                        ya axe can also counter u since call pierce bkb and you diving lots


                          sk vs brood = 2 mins blink
                          if you go mid sk ofc...literally just stun anything that walks into lane and max q and e...i've seen someone even max e against her...and it ruins the spiderman experience
                 for reference

                          MVP/ RUINER U CHOOSE!

                            does sf get souls from spiderlings?

