General Discussion

General Discussiongame is still as trash as ever

game is still as trash as ever in General Discussion
Lruce Bee

    after all this time, MM is still so trash. started of calibrating in crusader when i was much higher. and the quality of teammates seems to have drastically dropped. after 3 games i'm playing with guardians? wtf you can't support such trash players. you support your safe lane and they go godlike but feed away the streak and can't end the game.

    what's happening to dota? who still plays this? to think a few years ago i was legend. but i got stuck in 4k behaviour score and the game is still unplayable. all the skills are whack now and the game is so slow.


      if you are queuing up with guardians, you are guardian level dog. simple as that


        0/24 Midas ogre, you are the problem my friend

        Mediocrity in its purest ...

          Nice builds lol
          Play support but never buy support items

          Lruce Bee

            that's because if you build support items in guardian bracket you are probably braindead and deserve to be there. but obviously i don't deserve to be there. i used to be legend. didn't people hear what i said? but i just haven't played in awhile, and granted i am a bit rusty. but how much could the game possibly have changed?

            i mean i have no idea what these useless neutral items are for. valve is ruining the game, and mm isn't getting better. it's worse because the game is much more complex than it needs to be. and noobs have no idea what they are doing in the game even more. i can't believe how unwinnable games are. like i can tell the games are so easy but no one wants to follow my lead.

            the supp is supposed to be the captain making calls. and obviiusly i know how to win games. but no one follows me that's why i die?

            Lruce Bee

              why shouldi even take advice from a legend 1 actually. lmao wtf. do you even know how multicast works? midas is one of the best buys on ogre esp for a support that struggles to get farm.

              every game in guardian is more than 40 mins. but why would i even argue with someone so braindead in legend 1 bracket.

              Tas Tas Tas

                "that's because if you build support items in guardian bracket you are probably braindead and deserve to be there."

                I mean if u want to be a core then just go core why should u buy core item as sup that the most stupidest think I ever read. If u build around sup item your core will have easy game and manage to snowball very easily. U forcing ur core having hard way and u want to win easily? what a joke

                "the supp is supposed to be the captain making calls"

                What a delusional. This is not a proscene game

                "midas is one of the best buys on ogre esp for a support that struggles to get farm."

                that's actually wrong, the current ogre meta not rushing midas. U can check in the dotabuff ogre hero section that most of the ogre high rank player not even buying midas.

                Lruce Bee

                  who says i dont buy support items. lmao. another fake legend not even in VHS trying to give advice. guess dotabuff is same after all these years.

                  you guys dont even know what it's like playing with 4k behaviour score in guardian bracket.

                  Tas Tas Tas

                    and you are not even high skill.
                    "4k Behaviour score" that already explain a lot of u

                    milk that tastes like rea...

                      the common factor in all of your losses is you

                      Lruce Bee

                        i disagree. im queuing with people who bring me down much more than i can contribute because im innately a team player. and i try my best to help my team and sacrifice for them. but if they dont see the plays they just think you are feeding. watch pro matches and u see the same thing. but it doesn't work in guardian bracket.

                        can't believe i calibrated guardian 3. this is proof matchmaking is rigged. i'm definitely much better player. proof i have so many other accounts with no problem in legend and ancient bracket. but if u get stuck, u get stuck. why do people in dota always think that you can solo carry this game? it's a team game after all.


                          i understand u. u calibrated low because of mmr decay. it happens.

                          Măcel Marcel

                            Bro you have 10.53% winrate in 19 ranked games. You should start from there.


                              I have always thought after every losses that my team didnt play well not until I reviewed and watched my own games. I realized I should start improving myself and not minding every misplay of my teammates. I mean why would I expect them to play like a god anyway when they have the same rank like me. "Carry the whole game by playing my best as a core/supp or lose" became my mindset. STOP BLAMING YOUR TEAMMATES!

                              So youve said you have 4k behavior score lmfao. With that toxic behavior of yours, yep, you deserve where you are right now m8.

                              Slim Shady

                                People like this are the reason the game just sucks balls really

                                exit code 0

                                  @Han Yolo I'm probably the most familiar with playing under those conditions. Unfortunately, it actually is you. If you don't like the conditions, you should uninstall/quit. Dota is designed on purpose in this manner, that is, once you start winning, they start assigning weaker teammates against stronger opponents. I have no opinion on it, it's not good or bad, and to be fair, I'm a better dota player because of it.

                                  Again, if it's not your cup of tea, you should play another online game, maybe a shooter like CS or COD. Perhaps all MMORPGs are designed in this way, dota being the only one I've played.

                                  I've noticed that now that I've changed my attitude, and embraced/accepted the game's design, not only am I winning more games, I'm getting the "green arrow" which means you met your average impact. If you're losing AND getting red arrows you're not doing enough "impact", and only have yourself to blame.

                                  Again, you can take it personally and get emotional about it, and that's on you. This is just how the game is designed and, if you don't like it, don't play. But nobody is gonna feel sorry for you; I'm an expert at 1-1k mmr with 1-7000 behavior score, for the last decade. Up until I got food poisoning the other day, and some dental work, finally understand it's always been my fault that I'm in the "1k trench" or whatever. Some games are actually impossible, because the teammates throw, that can't be ignored. But as long as you're winning more than 50% of your matches, you'll be "gaining mmr." Some games are actually unwinnable, and sometimes it'll actually be because of who you're playing with, and it might be the system boning you in that instance. But the way it's designed is if you're actually better than the average player in that game, you should theoretically be able to create enough impact to nullify that point.

                                  Get better at the game, or quit. Period.


                                    @Han Yolo look at it this way , animals will come and go. U cant do anything about them but u can try to improve ur gameplay so that when the time comes , and its ur turn to make a game winning play u dont botch it . Just strive to be better with the heroes u play and ur rank will come naturaly.

                                    The real Norm Macdonald

                                      You cant change how others act but you can look for the problems in your own actions and try to remedy those.
                                      Your build order is probably the worst you could come up with as ogre 5 and your itemisation is just poor.
                                      Only these two aspecs scream 1k, not that I´m a god or somewhat decent, not trying to impose that, most of the time I suck aswell.

                                      - dont max blood lust and stun first, rather get ignite and stun.
                                      - buy regen ffs. this is a no brainer. you are just useless after you cast two or three spells and took one fight. you will leech exp from your 1 and accomplish nothing of value
                                      - dont go midas into aghs. You still dont have any regen to sustain casting spells. get mana boots, aetherlens and raindrops are great.

                                      ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                        Can't wait for Goku to get in here and tear this guy a new one :laugh:


                                          fuckin Jacked back at it again after years.....


                                            T - T

                                            Lruce Bee

                                              wow the positivty in this thread really touched something in me.. i guess i should just focus on myself and improve.

                                              nah fu*k u guys. y'all are retards seriously. i'll lend anyone my account and i'd like to see you fake 5ks carry these scrubs.

                                              Just so you know my impact in each game is positive, despite the scores and winrate. just look at how much healing i have in each of my oracle games. imagine saving your teammate with a well timed ult only to have them run back in and die. if you think otherwise and you think the problem is me, you guys are just delusional and don't understand how dota works.

                                              the only possible reason by deduction is that i'm matched with people who don't know how to play while there are god players and smurfs on the other team. i'd probably carry these scrubs with carry easily but i choose to play support to ease myself back into the game. more proof that support role is just garbage and you can't carry your team with support healer types.

                                              Lruce Bee


                                                you don't even play this game anymore. why are you still on the forums

                                                Lruce Bee

                                                  those who think i'm trolling, look at my overall winrate. i was easily climbing to like archon or so on this account from guardian/herald. then suddenly valve decides to fk me over and put me with guardians wtf. tell me how does that make sense.

                                                  I even pioneered the battlefury ursa way bfore pros started copying it and have over 80% winrate.


                                                    han yolo add me. can i borrow ur acc


                                                      @Han Yolo could u link us some of ur other , higher mmr accounts to back up ur talk ? All im seeing is a guy whos feeding 10+ deaths per game , building BLADEMAIL ON ORACLE and telling anyone that tells him something other than magic formula to win alone w/o any learning , improving or skill to go and f**k themselfs. I tryed to be nice , but since u cant understand that il put it this way : LEGEND lvl players are dogs , i p**s and s**t all over them and hold them for the worst players i have ever seen, while ur here , guardian to herald player , crying about smtng. Compared to me they are shit , compared to u they are gods . 6 letters , two words , GIT GUD .



                                                        you don't even play this game anymore. why are you still on the forums

                                                        Even thought I quit, I still browse once a month to reminisce the good time.....

                                                        The real Norm Macdonald

                                                          You guys its not him!
                                                          Next TI all fives will greed midas into aghs, promise.


                                                            just checking

                                                            Omnislash по венам

                                                              Ahhhh, the old story never changes ;)

                                                              The real Norm Macdonald

                                                                pfffff just looked at this match of yours: 6286599179 (witch doctor)

                                                                you straight up feed the enemy silencer 6 int before game clock 2 mins.
                                                                he runs up mid, walzes on the enemy side of the river, with a point in his heal mind you and gets killed three times.
                                                                After you managed to grief your storm, that had to share exo with you, and gifting the enemy silencer like 500g and 6 int you decide not to go bot and help your pos 1, no no no, you walk top lane and do the same thing there :D
                                                                This is wild.

                                                                Just delete the game, your team mates will thank you for it.


                                                                  cootin just went... OHLALA!

                                                                  卍pudge king卍

                                                                    Imagine falling for ops bait


                                                                      @han yolo ye I don't understand ,heralds are playing like immortals,yesterday herald pudge literally 360 noscoped me by his hook,maybe it's time to derank,also ogre support works well with basher and they report you for being just smart,this game sucks.


                                                                        Be like me. I am used to jungle Ursa and currently Offlane Ursa. I don't care my team are noob or pro. As long as I enjoy my Ursa world my rank never drop and it won't increase also. :axe_laugh: :laugh: :lick:


                                                                          lol support orge has a nice build hahah


                                                                            People are not falling for the bait they just can't help help but express their sadness that such a degenerate exists


                                                                              almost every match you play you are the first one to die, you're a terrible player and are the reason why you lose your team the game every match with ridiculous builds that aren't clever or counter the enemy team


                                                                                brain damage from this thread


                                                                                  The matchmaker in Dota 1 was trash too


                                                                                    So long ago I don't even remember THR dota.


                                                                                      You join the lobby, and wait for 10 people total to join, then wait for the host to start the game 😂


                                                                                        ^yeah and it was imba because there was a 3700 rating on low level games on one team and it was over for you

                                                                                        Vermillon Qliphoth

                                                                                          its simple vavle dosent punish acting like an animal . even till this day someone can destory all there items and ruin a game your punishment is basically minus some bs which i less then if you actual abadon you can get role tokens by littearly just queing support and as long as you walk to your lane you can pretty much play hc and get tokens.

                                                                                          littearly vavles whole system enforces acting like a shit head and they will not change bec they only do the bare minimum with regards to moderation .

                                                                                          похуй мне)

                                                                                            Typical low mmr mindset, you can’t focus on your own game :)


                                                                                              Get a coach to go watch your replays and im sure he will give up on you. @Han

                                                                                              Jensen-0 serotonina

                                                                                                You're hella bad that's it


                                                                                                  I mean you being defensive is another reason why you're feeling this way. You need to get your emotions in check. I climbed from Legend 5 to Divine purely on building only Glimmer and Force staff every game on pos 5 and team fights get turned around so easily. Good supports support. Simple as that.


                                                                                                    do you still play this dead game lol