813141613910245761218天赋树-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base Damage天赋树-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base Damage11天赋树-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base Damage15天赋树-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base Damage20
135741314162891061218天赋树-40s Dark Ascension Cooldown25+100 Hunter In The Night Attack Speed+20 Strength20+20 Crippling Fear DPS+30% Hunter in the Night Status Resistance15+25 Dark Ascension Damage+5s Dark Ascension Duration10-1s Void Cooldown天赋树-40s Dark Ascension Cooldown25+100 Hunter In The Night Attack Speed+20 Strength20+20 Crippling Fear DPS+30% Hunter in the Night Status Resistance15+25 Dark Ascension Damage+5s Dark Ascension Duration10-1s Void Cooldown11天赋树-40s Dark Ascension Cooldown25+100 Hunter In The Night Attack Speed+20 Strength20+20 Crippling Fear DPS+30% Hunter in the Night Status Resistance15+25 Dark Ascension Damage+5s Dark Ascension Duration10-1s Void Cooldown15天赋树-40s Dark Ascension Cooldown25+100 Hunter In The Night Attack Speed+20 Strength20+20 Crippling Fear DPS+30% Hunter in the Night Status Resistance15+25 Dark Ascension Damage+5s Dark Ascension Duration10-1s Void Cooldown20
113141634572891061218天赋树Splinter Blast 1.5s Stun25+55 Winter's Curse Attack Speed +100 Splinter Blast Damage20+17% Arctic Burn Slow+400 Splinter Blast Shatter Radius15+3s Arctic Burn Debuff Duration+30 Damage10+25 HP/s Cold Embrace Heal天赋树Splinter Blast 1.5s Stun25+55 Winter's Curse Attack Speed +100 Splinter Blast Damage20+17% Arctic Burn Slow+400 Splinter Blast Shatter Radius15+3s Arctic Burn Debuff Duration+30 Damage10+25 HP/s Cold Embrace Heal11天赋树Splinter Blast 1.5s Stun25+55 Winter's Curse Attack Speed +100 Splinter Blast Damage20+17% Arctic Burn Slow+400 Splinter Blast Shatter Radius15+3s Arctic Burn Debuff Duration+30 Damage10+25 HP/s Cold Embrace Heal15天赋树Splinter Blast 1.5s Stun25+55 Winter's Curse Attack Speed +100 Splinter Blast Damage20+17% Arctic Burn Slow+400 Splinter Blast Shatter Radius15+3s Arctic Burn Debuff Duration+30 Damage10+25 HP/s Cold Embrace Heal20
245718910313141661218天赋树+250 Starstorm Damage25+2 Multishot Sacred Arrows+35 Base Damage20-20s Moonlight Shadow Cooldown+90 Leap Attack Speed15Moonlight Shadow gives +20% Evasion+150 Leap Distance10-2s Starstorm Cooldown天赋树+250 Starstorm Damage25+2 Multishot Sacred Arrows+35 Base Damage20-20s Moonlight Shadow Cooldown+90 Leap Attack Speed15Moonlight Shadow gives +20% Evasion+150 Leap Distance10-2s Starstorm Cooldown11天赋树+250 Starstorm Damage25+2 Multishot Sacred Arrows+35 Base Damage20-20s Moonlight Shadow Cooldown+90 Leap Attack Speed15Moonlight Shadow gives +20% Evasion+150 Leap Distance10-2s Starstorm Cooldown15天赋树+250 Starstorm Damage25+2 Multishot Sacred Arrows+35 Base Damage20-20s Moonlight Shadow Cooldown+90 Leap Attack Speed15Moonlight Shadow gives +20% Evasion+150 Leap Distance10-2s Starstorm Cooldown20
314582791061220天赋树+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow Duration天赋树+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow Duration11天赋树+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow Duration13天赋树+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow Duration14天赋树+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow Duration15天赋树+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow Duration16天赋树+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow Duration18天赋树+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow Duration25
124573891061220天赋树+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana Regen天赋树+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana Regen11天赋树+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana Regen13天赋树+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana Regen14天赋树+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana Regen15天赋树+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana Regen16天赋树+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana Regen18天赋树+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana Regen25
213141613574891061218天赋树+120% Tidebringer Cleave Damage25+100 Spell AoE+15% Rum Damage Delay20-4s Torrent Cooldown+70 Tidebringer Damage15+25% Torrent Damage/Knock Up Duration-15s Admiral's Rum Cooldown10Tidebringer applies -60% slow for 1s天赋树+120% Tidebringer Cleave Damage25+100 Spell AoE+15% Rum Damage Delay20-4s Torrent Cooldown+70 Tidebringer Damage15+25% Torrent Damage/Knock Up Duration-15s Admiral's Rum Cooldown10Tidebringer applies -60% slow for 1s11天赋树+120% Tidebringer Cleave Damage25+100 Spell AoE+15% Rum Damage Delay20-4s Torrent Cooldown+70 Tidebringer Damage15+25% Torrent Damage/Knock Up Duration-15s Admiral's Rum Cooldown10Tidebringer applies -60% slow for 1s15
28911113143457612天赋树2 Arcane Curse charges25+25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage250 AoE Last Word201 Glaives of Wisdom Bounce+2s/+1s Arcane Curse Base/Penalty Duration15-20s Global Silence Cooldown+20 Attack Speed10+0.5 Arcane Curse Penalty Multiplier天赋树2 Arcane Curse charges25+25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage250 AoE Last Word201 Glaives of Wisdom Bounce+2s/+1s Arcane Curse Base/Penalty Duration15-20s Global Silence Cooldown+20 Attack Speed10+0.5 Arcane Curse Penalty Multiplier10天赋树2 Arcane Curse charges25+25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage250 AoE Last Word201 Glaives of Wisdom Bounce+2s/+1s Arcane Curse Base/Penalty Duration15-20s Global Silence Cooldown+20 Attack Speed10+0.5 Arcane Curse Penalty Multiplier15
245711131416138961218天赋树-1s Spark Wraith Activation Delay25Tempest Double Has No Penalties-7s Magnetic Field Cooldown20+40% Spark Wraith Damage+25 Magnetic Field Attack Speed15+20% Flux Slow+200 Health10+200 Flux Cast Range天赋树-1s Spark Wraith Activation Delay25Tempest Double Has No Penalties-7s Magnetic Field Cooldown20+40% Spark Wraith Damage+25 Magnetic Field Attack Speed15+20% Flux Slow+200 Health10+200 Flux Cast Range10天赋树-1s Spark Wraith Activation Delay25Tempest Double Has No Penalties-7s Magnetic Field Cooldown20+40% Spark Wraith Damage+25 Magnetic Field Attack Speed15+20% Flux Slow+200 Health10+200 Flux Cast Range15天赋树-1s Spark Wraith Activation Delay25Tempest Double Has No Penalties-7s Magnetic Field Cooldown20+40% Spark Wraith Damage+25 Magnetic Field Attack Speed15+20% Flux Slow+200 Health10+200 Flux Cast Range20
468913572111213141618天赋树Focus Fire Kills Advance Cooldown by 18s25Windrun Cannot Be Dispelled-10% Focus Fire Damage Reduction20+0.75s Shackleshot Duration-15% Powershot Reduction15-2s Windrun Cooldown+25 Easy Breezy Min/Max Movespeed10+1s Powershot Slow Duration天赋树Focus Fire Kills Advance Cooldown by 18s25Windrun Cannot Be Dispelled-10% Focus Fire Damage Reduction20+0.75s Shackleshot Duration-15% Powershot Reduction15-2s Windrun Cooldown+25 Easy Breezy Min/Max Movespeed10+1s Powershot Slow Duration10天赋树Focus Fire Kills Advance Cooldown by 18s25Windrun Cannot Be Dispelled-10% Focus Fire Damage Reduction20+0.75s Shackleshot Duration-15% Powershot Reduction15-2s Windrun Cooldown+25 Easy Breezy Min/Max Movespeed10+1s Powershot Slow Duration15