General Discussion

General DiscussionThink of a buff to make your favorite hero instantly op as fuck

Think of a buff to make your favorite hero instantly op as fuck in General Discussion
EZ MID 9k mmr

    3rd page?


      Phantom Assassin

      Stifling Dagger goes through BKB and reduces targets armor by 3/6/9/12 for 5 seconds
      Phantom Strike goes through BKB and provides max attack speed for the 4 hits
      Blur cannot be broken by Silver Edge and evasion is increased to 30/40/50/60%
      Coup de Grace critical chance increased to 25%


        Bloodseeker - Bloodrite cooldown further reduced from 30/25/20/15 to 29/24/19/14 (which will no doubt be the upcoming 'buff' which he receives in 6.87 to throw further salt into the faces of bloodseeker players).


          Drow Ranger

          Marksmanship can not be disabled by getting in close range
          Base Movement speed increased to 330



            Permanent Invisibility is never broken by attacking
            Backstab damage increased to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25
            Tricks of the Trade can hit creeps again


              Essence Shift stacks are permanent and persist after death.

              Fee Too Pee

                Bersekers blood give 30 % damage resistance at full health and 65 magic resistance at 10 % hp


                  Oracle ult reverted back to first release days.

                  Pale Mannie

                    Terrorblade can ult buildings

                    stupid fuck 2000

                      Ember Spirit

                      Searing chains now prioritises heroes with a search radius of 650 (from 400).

                      Sleight of fist cast time is now 0. Cast range is now 900 (from 700). Effect radius is now 650 (From 550).

                      Flame guard damage radius is now 550 (from 400). Magical damage absorb is now 100/250/400/500.

                      Fire remnant now provides vision around it. Remnant duration: 55 (from 45). Charge replenish time 30. (from 35)